My story

I was apolitical in the 1980s and 1990s though I did know what Presidents and President candidates I liked and didn't like.  I had a positive image of Ronald Reagan and Republicans in the 1980s

In 2001, I became acquainted with hot button issues with the stem cell issue, I had no idea what that was when George W Bush talked about it. Now I realize Stem Cell research is a good thing but I was apolitical to it back then.

I became a liberal Democrat in 2003 due to me being against the Iraq War (which I initially supported but turned against when I realized it was just American Imperialism or globalism which I felt was wrong) , due to me seeing the hate that anti war celebs got for their opposition to the Iraq War by neocons and due to me hating the Patriot Act. From then on to this day, I was and still am socially liberal and fiscally centrist. 

After 9/11 and especially after the Iraq War started I was sensitive to the plight for Muslims who were being hated on by neocons and their allies so I fought for Muslim rights throughout the 2000s and 2010s. I was so against the Iraq War, the prospect of nation building in Afghanistan and the Patriot Act, back in the 2000s I had some sympathy for even extremist Islamic militant groups

I have since become a Blue Dog Democrat/Centrist New Democrat State Liberal, no longer a bleeding heart liberal

I also shed those sympathetic views I had for extremist Islamic militant groups and I apologize of having that sympathy for them.

What moved me this way was seeing how some alleged left wing people stoop down to right wingers levels sometimes instead of taking the higher road which made me a bit sympathetic to some right wingers (since I am an anti bully warrior ,and I was similarly sympathetic to Islamic extremists in the 2000s in addition to me turning against the Iraq War in 2003 in part due to the bullying anti war people got by neocons). 

In 2016, I was BernieorBust. In 2020, I rooted for Joe Biden since I knew he could transform Trumpism into compassionate and progressive ways which he has done.

Donald Trump would have been a decent President if he was elected in 2000. If Trump was on the ticket in 2000, I would have supported Trump for President instead of supporting him as President out of spite in protest  (in 2000, I supported Bill Bradley and then George W Bush then)

In 2024, I am either BernieorBust or I will vote for Joe Biden. I can't decide who to root for. 3 choices, 3 old DINOsaurs. I like Bernie Sanders because he is as far ‘left’ spectrum wise as State Liberals are (I am part State Liberal). Joe Biden is voteable for me because Biden made Trumpism great ,Biden is closer to being a New Democrat than Sanders or Trump and Biden is closer authoritarian wise to being a State Liberal than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are (again I am part State Liberal). Donald Trump is an option for me because Trump is closer to being a Blue Dog than Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are plus Trump is more authoritarian than Sanders and Biden but unfortunately not the liberal type of that

It's kind of fun to come to the rescue of right wingers once in a blue moon. Why? It's a fun challenge to help out the few reasonable people on the other side who are unpopular with the left and half of their own political party and it's also like a anti hero type thing with them. 

I even empathize with their non liberal views here and there which helped make me a bit more moderate in the 2010s (along with some far far left things I saw in the late 2000s and 2010s like Identity politics and similar things). I am willing to become an undercover far right/alt right member so I can expose the far right and alt right and bring down them down on behalf of Democrats. But that means I have to pretend to be far right or alt right.  I am doing this for their own good, so they can join our side.  I came up with this idea after coming to their rescue a bunch of times from Regressive Left bigots

I empathize with the concerns of the OP in this Reddit post and with the view that left are hypocritical at times with free speech.  I also don't like the far left's heretic hunting.  

There is no 'political polarization' in the US.  Americans agree on WAY MORE issues than they disagree on (ie against hard drugs being legalized or decriminalized, against police defunding, against population control, against the CRT being taught in schools, against Prostitution being decriminalized or legalized etc)
Political polarization is a fake term that the fake media and fake agencies created to implement population control. They exaggerate the political issues and the views people have on them (to divide us)

I don't care about politics. I am apolitical. I have no perceivable political principles whatsoever. In the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s (mostly) and 2010s (mostly) I stayed away from politics (which not only do I want to get back to but I think others should be as apolitical in the future as I was back then). But since I got into political video games I decided to expand that into real life political 'games'. 

I prefer a full anarchism and a self governing society with no government (or at worst a Night Watchman state like the UK in the 19th century), radical localism, Isolationism and people follwing the 2 rules (for hardened heart non Judeo Christians have them replace God with humanity, whatever God they serve, higher power, or whatever motivates them to live secular lives that are Christian like)

If I sound too conservative on some issues, its somewhat because I am training to become an undercover member of the right of the non far right right wing and the far right/alt right so I can expose them and bring down them down on behalf of Democrats. But that means I have to pretend to be a hard right nut

Take every thing I write in this blog with a grain of salt. Also anything I write has a chance to be tongue and cheek or irony


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