Climate Change and other modern Science issues


Science and Pyschology are not infallibe and they are wrong some of the time (they are HUMANS not Gods). Scientists and shrinks are right most of the time, but on Reincarnation, whether or not to suspend disrespectful students, CRT, afterlife, whether to lightly spank your child, and similar things they are wrong

climate change/eco

I am against the government and social media companies censoring and blocking people who criticize green energy transition.  Such actions by the government and social media companies is FASCIST authoritarian censorship and is against the values that our country was founded on. That is shutting down free speech  by stifling legit criticism of the government and I will not allow the government to do that. I swear to god

The Green New Deal is a bold set of ideas meant combat climate change. But because the Green New Deal includes so much unrelated ideas which don’t identify specific solutions to climate change related issues, I overall do not support the Green New Deal

Enviromental Racism is a myth. There is no such thing as enviormental racism.

I believe in Climate Change but I don't believe that Colonial, racist or patriarchal systems created or fueled it. Climate Change is not a manner of human rights. I am against Greta Thunberg's radical views on Climate Change. 

Climate Change will never cause temperatures to rise beyond 5.4F.  I don't believe that the Tail End risks of Climate Change will ever happen.

I reject Deep Adaption and Jem Bernall's Deep Adaption. Their climate predictions are too pessimistic.

 I lean pragmatically not believe to mixed on whether I believe Climate Apocalypse predictions.

I don't believe that people who don't believe in Climate Change should be labeled as Climate Change deniers or harassed or shamed for their beliefs (and certainly not labeled divisive names like 'Climate Change deniers'). I say, educate them on Climate Change and if they still don't believe it, let it go. 

There are Twin Earths (according to type I/Quilted Multiverse theory) over zillions/shannon number of light years away away but with a few to countless changes. There might be some Twin Earths zillions /shannon number of light years away that will be exactly like our Earth except on those particular Twin Earths, Climate Change is a myth and won't happen

I also believe Climate Change has positive effects and may be a good thing: Warmer winters and thus fewer winter deaths, lower energy costs, better agricultural yields, fewer droughts, maybe richer biodiversity see this for more

I am glad that the LaRouche PAC got an actress to pose as a climate change activist to spoof radical climate change activists at the AOC townhall in 2019. In case you missed it, is was the AOC townhall where an actress posing as a climate change activist said to AOC  "Since we only have a few months left  We Got to Start Eating Babies"    This stunt by the LaRouche PAC involving this actress posing as a climate change activist was to point out to people just how radical some climate change activists have become in recent times. I am glad that the LaRouche PAC exposed that climate change radicalness through this stunt.

I am not a climate change activist because the movement is too progressive and green for me

I am against plastic bag bans, paper straw bans. I am against the Nord Steam pipeline being built.

I support increased logging on federal lands

I support Nuclear Energy


I support sending humans into space which is why I hope NASA brings the Space Shuttle program back. I hope one day space travel becomes as common as airline travel.

I believe in Theistic evolution (but for our reality and possibly all type 1 universes in our reality)

I believe that in many alternate realities, God created humans (from scratch, without evolving), animals (without evolving) , plants etc on Earth and he created the whole universe and every universe in the same exact way that the Book of Genesis said that God created all of those things   In those particular alternate realities, evolution never happened past present or future and creationism is 100 percent real.  The Many Worlds Interpreation is proof I am right.

Chriopractery is not pseudo science. ASMR is psuedo science.

Except for issues below I am apolitical on pandemic related issues (since I dont' view the pandemic as a political issue):

I am apolitical lean support for the truckers on the Canadian trucker protest . I am against Justin Trudeau using the emergency act on protestors. I am also against his government going after bank accounts of protestors and supporters and similar underhanded things. The truckers weren't racist sexists because they were protesting mandates and Trudeau was wrong to label them as such. However, I don't believe he is a dictator, I just believe he went a little more than a bit overboard.  If I was a still a extreme liberal like I use to be, I would have liked Trudeau using his emergency powers since I liked ‘strong’ leaders back then, but that is obviously not the case now

Russia had nothing to do with the Canadian trucker protest

I am mixed to pragmatically neutral on Bill Maher's late Oct 2021 view on natural immunity

I disagree with people who say that Gavin Newsom didn't go far enough in 2020-21 in terms of fighting the viruses 

Sara Haines is wrong, I don't believe that face covering wearing or living like people lived during the pandemic should be a permanent thing in the US because of health reasons. I do want people living like they did during the pandemic permanently, but for reasons that have nothing to do with health.

Since February 2022 I want Nancy Pelosi's face covering mandates to be overturned and allow congress people to the freedom to choose if they want to cover their faces in the HoR.

I support Mike Braun's amendment to the Prevent Pandemics Act. 

I condone (but don't necessarily agree with) Gene Simmons saying that non vaxxed are the enemy

I begrudingly am tolerant of Joe Rogan in the whole Spotify ordeal and I have no major issues with him having those particular doctors on his show in those 2 situations. Rogan also surprsingly had a plausible defense. My views on this align with Marianne Williamson's views on that issue. I also am ok with Ron Johnson's hearing on the pandemic in early 2022.   

I actually like the covid mandates and restrictions because its good to see us Democrats get firm and tough on an issue (like the pandemic) instead of being pacifists (which we would be if we weren't firm and tough on people and in particular anti vaxxers during the pandemic) . A lot of Republicans falsely think we are weak and let people do anything they want on many political issues, so for us Democrats to be so firm and tough on people and in particular anti vaxxers in terms of mandates and restrictions during the pandemic shows the Republicans that they are wrong about us being weak and passive.


I know that Reincarnation is real and most scientists either believe its real, are neutral on that or are open to the idea

There is an afterlife after we die and no one can prove otherwise

There are zillions of intelligent life beings on other planets, in many of their alien civilizations, they fully cure viruses, plagues, cancer like diseases, etc on their planets using methods that 90+ percent of mainstream scientists ,mainstream doctors and mainstream Academics from Earth would WRONGLY call psuedoscience methods if they heard about those methods without showing them proof that they actually do work.


Psycho Analysis is a real and legit science and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


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