Drugs and Alchohol/Criminal Justice Reform


I am against the three letter agencies like the FBI violating the civil liberties of Americans . From going after parents who protest the CRT, to their raids on former Trump officials, to the illegal spying it is clear our civil liberties are being threatened by these bullies

We deserve answers from the FBI and DOJ on their raid on Donald Trump’s Mara Lago estate because it appears to be very petty, partisan and it might backfire on us in galvanizing and firing up Trump supporters and in the midterms (and even in 2024) .The FBI and DOJ really could have handled it more tastefully. They went too far 

I am somewhat against most aspects of criminal justice reform

I don't think most conservatives who talk about black on black violence and Black on Asian violence are racist for doing so they are just ignorant and I don't know if they are correct on those stats (though because Conservatives are the ones claiming that blacks commit more violence against Asians than non whites do it probably means that non whites commit do commit more violence against Asians than blacks do due to the Conservatives track record on social issues). I will let the facts speak for themselves whatever those facts are

While whites do commit the majority of hate crimes in America (53% of hate crimes); far more than blacks do (23 percent). Whites are 60% of the population and blacks are 12% of the population.

Oscar Lee Stewart should get the same punishment that any other person would get for killing someone via arson. There are no excuses for what he did.

Crimes committed by blacks should be reported just as much and in the same exact way as crimes committed by whites are reported. 

I am against defunding or abolishing the police. I believe police departments should hire BLM activists and anti police brutality activists as police officers since they are the last people to use police brutality on suspects. With police departments defunded, violence and injury to civilians increase leading to taxation by citation which is very counterproductive.

I am open to the idea of having police departments run by the county and for those county run police departments to implement deescalation training, get rid of chokeholds, ask police officers to step in for other police officers if they used too much force, have police officers patrol on foot more, have police officers introduce themselves to the residents and even host BBQs for their community which may lead to violent crime drops. Also have some common sense adherence to International Human Rights laws for the police officers.

If the police are abolished, we'll have vigilantism which would crazy.

Maybe if athletes didn't abuse their wives and girlfriends via domestic violence they wouldn't have so many confrontations with police and thus hate police because of those confrontations. I acknowledge that many athletes in physical sports abuse their wives and girlfriends do to brain injuries caused by things like CTE and concussions, but that is no excuse (just something that gives background to it). Maybe creating the changes above will lead to less hostility between police and athletes when those situations arise leading to less anti police activism by athletes (knowing that the police were compassionate toward them for their abuse)

I am against people disrespecting the police (like throwing things at them, spitting on them, harassing them, calling for violence against them). Of course in legit self defenses instances where there is beyond a reasonable doubt the police officers are acting against the rules then you have to use self defense on the police officers.

I am against Rashida Tlaib's senseless, illogical proposal to empty prisons. Prisons (all prisons) should be a fixture of society and getting rid of prisons is one the worst ideas I have ever heard. I will fight to make sure she never gets her way with that

It would be good to see more Guardian Angel type groups around the US etc and have them be used in place of the police in some instances around the US etc.

I am neutral on ban the box

I am against the death penalty in nearly every case 


I am against non synthetic Marijuana being legalized except for medical use. It should only be decriminalized for rec use. Though I am open minded to non synthetic Marijuana being legalized for rec use but with less amount legal than is legal now in places and with overregulation of it. 

I am against Cocaine, Crack, LSD ,Synthetic Marijuana, Fentanyl, Purple Haze, Crystal Meth and Heroin being legalized or decriminalized as hard drugs destroy peoples minds, lives and bodies. I believe we need to focus a lot on drug prevention ie preventing unemployment, fighting poverty, and preventing family dissolution. We should also bring back the Just Say No anti drug campaign. I do not want people to use non synthetic Marijuana (in some cases), Fentanyl, Purple Haze, Crystal Meth, Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, LSD, Synthetic Marijuana, for rec use. I want people to be drug free. 

When I was a toddler-young child in the early to mid late 1980s, I was around powder Cocaine (in a brown package) that I found in my parents room every now and again. If I did do a little Cocaine in the 1980s as a toddler-young child (by accident), I am glad that I did Cocaine back then because (if I did Cocaine back then) Cocaine helped me mentally and socially. But that does not mean I am pro Cocaine. I am against people doing all drugs, including Cocaine for rec use. Just Say NO. What was right for me back then (if I did it then) is not right for others

I am somewhat morally (as in moral victory) ok with decriminalizing powder Cocaine (non Crack) and synthetic Marijuana for small amounts (anything more than that is intensive supervision probation along with heavy and long term day fines)

I believe steroids should be legal and that MLB players, etc should be allowed to use steroids without getting suspended. If everyone has access to them, there is no unfair advantages (plus this regulates steroids)

People should go to prison for hard drugs but ideally they should go to 'Country club' type prisons that CEOs go to instead of the prisons they go to now for hard drug crimes. 

However, I am fine with hard drug convicts going to the prisons they go to now for hard drug crimes, as long as they are transferred to halfway houses more commonly and with less time served than they are now to finish out their sentence (assuming they haven't caused trouble in prison and are at least showing signs of kicking their drug use desires)

I also conditionally support mandatory minimum sentencing for hard drug convicts only if it would allow hard drug convicts who show good behavior and reform in prison to be transferred from prison to house arrest to finish their sentence

I support more freedom in prison for inmate like they had in prison shows like Oz (with similar liberal prison rehabilitation focus for them)

Repeat hard drug offenders who refuse treatment should get harsher prison sentences than they do now.

Drug traffickers should go to prison for at least 10 years for drug trafficking.

All workers in the US should be tested for Cocaine, Heroin, LSD and Crack and other hard drugs. If any worker is high on Marijuana while on the job, they should be warned about doing Marijuana on the job and the next time they are caught at work while on Marijuana they should be fired on the spot.

I don't want Alcohol and Liquor to be sold at theme parks, or at outdoor restaurants.

I am apolitical/indifferent on Prohibition making a comeback

I support blue laws being implemented in all 50 states 

However it's fun to say that I am fine with people getting wasted WHILE at the same time me supporting blue laws, restricting where alcohol and Liquor can be sold and me being anti drug (since it's fun to be unique)

Stealing is wrong and people should go to prison for stealing.


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