Ethnic/Racial views

Ethnicity/race issues

Object oriented ontology is nonsense. There is no such thing as Human Priveledge and if there was such a thing I would fully support Human Priveledge since Humans are superior to non human objects

I am between being pretty much tolerant of to being a fair weather apologist of the NAACP 

Equality is better than Equity. 

I am what Rev Al would call a 'Latte Liberal'

I support Affirmative Action 

I am not woke and I don't like wokeness at all (but from a liberal perspective mostly)

I have never and I will never apologize for being white. There is nothing wrong or evil about being white or any race or ethnicity (it is ok to be white).  When I hear whiteness wrongly and faslely being called evil or when I hear whiteness wrongly and falsely being called terrorism, I have no problem having my non woke views. WHITENESS IS NOT TERRORISM AND BEING WHITE IS NOT EVIL and only mental deranged, racists would say otherwise.

I respectfully ,with a heavy heart and from my perspective of what I know to be right and true (which has virtually never failed me in the past), I don't believe that white privilege is real.  If people want to believe it is real, its their right to believe it is real. My reasons for this belief come vastly from the LEFT not the right.

I am a Toxic Anthroculine human (Toxic Anthroculine to the Human Species is what Toxic Masculinity is to males).  I act as toxically human as Toxic Masculine guys act Toxic Masculine.  I view the human species in comparison to a lot of non human intelligent life extra terrestrial species in other solar systems, galaxies and universes the same way that Toxic Masculine guys view males in comparison with females.

I am between being a Earth Races-Ethnicities Nationalist and me being a Left Wing Earth Races-Ethnicities Chauvinist toward some intelligent life extra terrestrial races in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a race or ethnicty that is not found on Earth.    

I view all races and ethnicities on Earth as equal to each other. Earth Races-Ethnicities Nationalism, unlike specific racial or ethnic nationalism (ie White Nationalism) applies to all races and ethnicites on Earth not just specific races or ethnicities and views some races and ethnicities of intelligent life extra terrestrial races in other solar systems, galaxies and universes the same way that White nationalists view other races and ethnicities on Earth. Left Wing Earth Races-Ethnicities Chauvinism is to Earth Races-Ethnicities Chauvinism what Left Wing Racism is to Racism 

My western liberal progressive, SJW, views represent the views of the majority of oppressed people in the world who I fight for

I empathize with this Medium article and maybe there is some truth to what this person wrote here::

I am indifferent to BLM. I am not a BLM member. I believe All Lives Matter equally. We are all equal in God's eyes and no life is more or less important than another life.  BLM have every right to protest perceived injustices as long as they do so peacefully since freedom of speech and the right to assemble exists (though it would be cool to see BLM get their dream world through literally Jim Jones Jonestown like brainwashing literally the whole US, Canada etc to be literal cultists for BLM, that would be a method I could respect and get behind. I would then accept the US etc being woke and pro BLM if they used those methods to achieve it). I am a fan of Harriet Tubman and Booker T Washington and their views on race ethnicity

Secoriea Turner was an innocent victim of a murderer and that murderer who killed her should go to prison for at 20 years. Turner is in heaven now. 

I personally don't believe that the CRT should be taught in k-8 schools (but a case can be made that it should in school libraries in at least some k-12 schools so curious students can read it themselves).

At the same time, I don't think that people should try to stop the CRT from being taught in k-8 schools (ONLY due to censorship, since I hate censorship). However they have a right to go to school board meetings and to protest the CRT being taught in schools since it is their 1st amendment rights to do so.

It's better for anti CRT parents to try to get jobs on school boards if they want to try to stop the CRT from being taught in schools (change from within) or to find a book that is critical of the CRT and try to get that book taught in k-8 schools alongside the CRT (as long as that book is vetted and approved by the NEA and NAACP) than it is for them to protest at school board meetings.

Personally, I believe that the CRT should only be taught in non mandatory Black studies classes and Alternative viewpoints and Debate classes in high school and, and also in Colleges and lawyer schools. I criticize the CRT from the LEFT not the right (the CRT is not rationally inquiring and goes for narrative, uses stories mostly fictional anecdotal etc which goes against reasoned argumentation and may reinforce stereotypes about BIPOC)

Parents who harass, argue or go after teachers at school board meetings are NOT domestic terrorists or terrorists.

Racist Right Wingers/Conservatives need to be privately confronted for their bigotry and if they don't change, they should be banished from the party or isolated forcing them to not be racist and change (sorry I don't make those rules, nature makes them and nature does not tolerate racism). 

One creative idea to make Right Wingers/Conservative racists become non racist against BIPOC+ would be to reprogram Right Wing/Conservative racists to become woke and CRT type of antiracist and to embrace the CRT. 

This way those Right Wing/Conservative racists can shift their hate target from BIPOC+ to whites (or at least shift their target from BIPOC+ to racist WHITES) and employ left wing, CRT anti white  'racism' (ie "BIPOC are equal to Whites but BIPOC+ are more equal than Whites", "whitey is bad whitey is bad"). This way those Right Wing/Conservative racists can channel their racism toward an acceptable target (whites and or racists) while holding on to their other Right Wing/Conservative views. 

I believe that BIPOC+ can be prejudiced against whites

I don't believe that the 1619 Project should be taught in schools except for colleges and maybe in high schools in specific elective classes. Many top historians criticized the 1619 project, as did a New York Times op ed piece along with similar complaints. If public k-8 schools had an alternate history class then I'd be fine with it being taught in those classes only.   I can't say I am against parents trying to censor the 1619 Project even though censorship might be counterproductive in this case.

I support Advance Math being taught in schools from 1st to 12th grade. I also support advanced students being skipped ahead a grade.

Students should not be required to take ethnic studies classes in high school. It's their RIGHT to not take that course and the government has NO RIGHT to require students to take such courses.

I am against Equitable Math being taught in schools. Math is not racist and there is no systematic racism in teaching Math. Equitable Math is race norming disguised as a liberal teaching method. I do hope that parents try to stop it from being taught. I would be open to Equitable Math being taught in resource math classes or in summer school math classes only.   

I will say that the only good thing about Equitable Math is it shows that there are other ways to solve problems, like in my video game there is a puzzle dungeon and there are multiple ways to beat it, so because of that I do emphasize with people who like Equitable Math but I'm still against it.

I suppport Standarized Testing and the SAT

Oral Roberts should not be penalized in any way shape or form for the views of their founder. Anyone who says otherwise is a racist pig.

I support some of Assata Shakur's views she had in 1970s.

I can empathize with this view (but not agree with it) It would be great if blacks suddenly outnumber whites in the US etc and somehow get the power and position in the US from here on out that whites traditionally had while at the same time having whites be demoted and have the historical positions etc that blacks have had in the US in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s 1990s (ie blacks and whites switch places). I don't agree with that view however. It's just I am a fan of Trading Places type of movies /tv and can empathize with the above view.  If blacks were ever in position to really switch places with whites as noted above (even via Pinochetism methods), I would, beyond a reasonable doubt be an Honorary True Companion mercenary in helping them pull it off but since we are nowhere near that point, I will continue to only empathize with this view.  However my motive would be more wanting to shake things up as opposed to being a SJW.

I enjoy coming to the rescue of marginalized BIPOC+. Helping them makes me feel positive since I am leaving the world a better place by helping marginalized BIPOC+.  Helping people who need my help (like BIPOC+) is what a Christian is supposed to do . I am not an antiracist (I am a non racist), but I am a Christian, so I help BIPOC+ when they are in need.

Somewhat deep down inside inside (bordering on only when I am in a trance), I feel that blacks should kick the **** out of all racists and white supremists (real racists and real white supremists) and only get a slap on the wrist for doing so. That is a lot more respectable than blacks relying on cancel culture, SJWism, and hate crime laws to help their cause. But even deep down inside and tongue in cheekingly I would never encourage them to do so

I believe that Transracial (identity) is a real concept and I support Transracial rights 

This book makes a case that some racial and ethnic voluntarist acts might highlight the artificial and constructed nature of race and ethnicity (i.e challenging assumptions about the stability and categorical organization of race and ethnicity itself). and that such racial ethnic voluntarism may celebrate, not simply appropriate, “black culture”; and, may embody a self-conscious critique of the negatives of white culture 

I like how equal and diverse Jonestown (Peoples Temple) was under Jim Jones. Obviously, the suicides and murders are indefensible as are the extreme and senseless abuse that kids endured there along with the other human rights violations committed at Jonestown.  Instead of mass murder and suicide, Jim Jones should have moved himself and the commune to the Soviet Union (while giving a plane ticket back to the states to anyone who didn't want to make the move and all people who were there with him involuntarily). Once there I would have wanted Jones and his commune to stop their human rights abuses and to live like the early Christians in the early book of Acts lived (while adopting pragmatic Christian Democratic ideologies fused with 1990s and 21sts century day Nordic political ideologies)

I support Interracial marriage

If I had to choose between people righting perceived great wrongs through protesting and changing things from within or through cancel culture methods and keyboard warrior methods, I'd chose changing things from within and through protesting over using cancel culture and keyboard warrior methods. For example, it is better to forcibly remove Christopher Columbus statues than to get politicians to do so 

I am against anti white hate speech and anti white jokes. We need to stop anti white hate speech and anti white jokes now so that they never become normalized ever.

Whites should not favor any race (not even their own race) over another race on Earth

White people don't make up the majority of mass shooters and statistics back this up

Blaming whites for everything is anti white hate and needs to stop. Anti white conspiracy theorists are deluded 

I don't believe that the National Anthem or any anthem should be played at sporting events

I respecfully believe that the Black National Anthem is divisive and wrong. There is only ONE National Anthem, for ALL Americans regardless of race or ethnicity. But to each their own

Meena Harris made ignorant and potentially divisive comments. White Males are NOT the biggest 'terroristic' threat to this country. Those comments she made are WRONG. She knows better. Major agree to disagree with her on those points.

Don't let the ADL fool you: Among the ADL’s four categories of violence—Islamist, left-wing, right-wing, and white supremacist extremism—researchers found that the first two were more or less accurate; 85 of the 88 Islamist incidents checked out as properly labeled, as did 24 of the 26 leftist ones. Where the ADL was inflating things was almost entirely in the “white, right-wing” areas.

As the researchers noted, among the 300 incidents of right-wing extremism during this period, when reviewed, only 131 were found to truly fit the bill. White supremacist extremism was even more inflated: just 57 incidents of the 199 claimed by the ADL credibly had such a motivation.

That the ADL’s “hate inflation” fell only on whites and right-wingers; that the spirit of scrutiny apparently grips the SPLC when reviewing some racial agendas but not others; and that people like Neiwert pass over basic facts to pursue anti-white narratives can be summed up in one word: bigotry. It should be called out as such by conservatives and independents whenever they see it.

Colin Kaepernick's hate filled Tweet on July 4 2020 was 100 percent wrong. The US is not now or ever was a White Supremist country and its not a white supremist act to celebrate Independance Day. 


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