Identity Politics/SJW


I toxically love diversity. I toxically love seeing LGBTQ+, BIPOC+, women etc get as much visibility as heteros, whites and men. That shakes things up, adds new elements (like a salad bowl), and makes things less boring and predictable.

We should break down all sexual and cultural differences ‘forcefully’ to make everyone feel more equal

I support equal liberty and I feel that equal liberty rests on political, social and economic equality of opportunity

In my opinion, Equality should not not come secondary to liberty. Equality should go beyond the formal equality of rights so as there is no tension between the two and no separation and conflict between individuals as passive recipients within society. 

I feel that Liberty (and its realization) is collective as it should be shared instead of being diminished and thus being  'only imaginable in the contest of the liberty of all', It should be accompanied also by social and economic equality. 

I support the principle of equal-liberty is an 'open-ended horizon that allows for endless permutations and elaborations. 

I see a platinum lining with California Assembly bill 979 which requires corporations to hire at least one director from an unrepresented community (defined as BIPOC+, LGBTQ etc) .That law is good because it shows the state is human and not robots, in creating such laws (meaning it shows that even states can be victims of being discriminatory).

I would be fine with more states enacting California Assembly bill 979 type laws, as long as those states who enact such laws also reform Affirmative Action for those type of jobs to fuse this Affirmative Action solution:  with the original Affirmative Action which for the latter is instead of saying 'this job is open to any applicant' and then not making any efforts to find minority applicants, the bosses actively try to find minority applicants through definite actions)as opposed to modern day Affirmative Action

We need America to be a cultural smelting pot and to be more equal to promote unity and solidarity

I support Civic Nationalism 

I support the US being the most egalitarian society in the Western Hemisphere like Paraguay was the most egalitarian society in the Western Hemisphere in the early 1850s 

I support the pursuit of greater egalitarianism in our society in order to increase the distribution of skills, capacities and productive endowments . I generally reject income redistribution as the means to achieve this

I am against Identity politics, including Left Wing Identity politics, the latter of which I disagree with  in an agree to disagree sort of way. I feel Identity Politics seeks to divide us and conquer us and separate us into these little categories. It's not for me

I am against Intersectionality but in a pragmatically compassionate way

I am a Nicodemus like ally of pro West Identarianism because pro West Identarianism is opposed to racialization of BIPOC+

Very deep down inside there is a significant Left Wing Populist inside of me

While I am not a Nationalist and I don't particularly care for Nationalism at all (and you can say I am against Nationalism), I do believe we need to have a serious debate about Nationalism. I also don't believe Nationalism is xenophobic or bigoted per say but I do agree its a problem.

Even though I am not a Nationalist (I do support Civic Nationalism), I am Patriotic 

I am not a Western Chavuinist, but if people want to be Western Chauvinists, fine, I’m not going to convince them otherwise. I view Western Chauvinism as so over the top , it's like it is a bad parody or a joke and thus I can't get worked up over it. How can anyone take those ignorant, lunatic Western Chauvinists seriously? 

I am open to a compassionate Left Wing Nationalism

I support Pan Nationalism that is fused with Degrowth  

I only support the type of Multiculturalism that was done in Paraguay in the early mid 19th century under José Gaspar Rod ríguez de Francia and I diplomatically reject or roll my eyes at the other types of Multiculturalism

I support a pluriethnic, plurilingual, and society similar to Paraguay under José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia  

I support a fusion of far center Nationalism and Left Wing Nationalism in Israel, Japan, China, India and Russia   

There is a good chance I might be open hearted to sympathizing with a Radically Centrist and 5th political theory compassionate form of Ultra Nationalism 

White Nationalism is too far right for me to support in any way shape or form

One reason I do not support White Nationalism, is I feel that White Nationalists are snowflakes and pussies. White Nationalists are snowflakes and pussies because they are not mentally strong enough to suck it up and live around BIPOC+ and because White Nationalists whine about needing their pathetic white safe spaces to avoid being triggered or offended which annoys the heck out of me hearing those snowflakes acting like babies. That is the exact type of behavior we see from Liberal beta snowflakes who whine about needing safe spaces and being offended, to see that type of behavior from people in our own political party (with White Nationalists) is horrible and disgusting.

I strongly empathize with the type of views that Laura Kelly expressed in The Hill. However I don't agree with those views because I feel that those views are counterproductive.

I prefer a literally blind hiring system over a Quota system 

SJW/cancel culture/PC

I agree with a lot of things that the IDW members say, especially the less controversial things. 

We must have the ability to protect all minorities and oppressed people (and those who don't identify as "people") from far left Social Justice Weirdo freaks twisting the Christian and conservative things we say to falsely make it sound like we are speaking like ‘hate’ 

I am Anti Reactionary (I am against reactionary behavior)

SJW/cancel culture

I am against the SJW to an extent but unlike IDW members, I prefer to use PC methods to combat it I also agree that some SJW complaints are correct. 

If SJW and pc police want to force us to accept their extreme ideologies they should literally use Totalitarianism methods to do so. That way I can respect them for being bada** while also embracing new ideologies (their warped ideologies and against my will)

I am glad that us liberals use cancel culture because it proves we aren't snowflakes and can be tough and fight back. It's cool seeing us show that actions have consequences and to hold people responsible for their actions since it means the left values old school morals.

However, I do not support cancel culture in some to the majority (give or take) situations. I am even tempted to become an anti cancel culture activist if it gets much worse

Good quote "While I’m in full belief that even SJWs have the capacity for rational and critical thought, the fact that they choose not to employ it, even in the face of brutal facts, earns them the label of NPC. If your entire identity revolves around the superficial, and your entire belief system revolves around instructions from someone else, then you’re about as good as a computer program. If you won’t engage in civil debate, and instead  scream tired phrases at people when you run out of things to say, then there’s no person there, just a shell that somebody else is speaking through"


I am against Political correctness but I use PC methods to combat it. A lot of their complaints are correct and I respect them and their complaints even if I don't agree with a lot to most/a big chunk of their complaints

There is NOTHING offensive about the 1964 Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer movie

There is NOTHING offensive about calling native Australians Aboriginals or the Indigenous All-Stars previous nickname The Aboriginal All-Stars

There is nothing offensive about A Cat in the Hat Comes Back

I view the puking scene in Ace Ventura with a Blue and Orange Morality type of view. I don't think it should be censored but I am understanding and caring for the views of those offended by it.

There is nothing offensive about the movie Airplane (ie there was nothing offensive about that jive scene by Barbara Billingsley). But I respect people who openly and candidly share their thoughts on it while admitting the good aspects of that movie


The song Baby It's Cold Outside is not a date rape song and it should be left alone and be as mainstream as it was in the mid 2010s and prior since it was first released.  If that song is being used by Incel or similar groups to sexually abuse women then I will back off this viewpoint on that song. 

There is NOTHING offensive about the term 'black ice' 


There is NOTHING offensive about Christmas Story (1983 movie)

There is NOTHING offensive about the name Clown Face Nebula. Not one person would possibly be offended by that name (who the fuck would be offended by that term? clowns?  the nebula itself? GTFO with that junk)

There is NOTHING offensive about using these terms: blind alley, blind side, blindspot, grandfathered in, lame, long time no see, psyched.  There is nothing wrong with the word crazy being used in pop culture to name things to name things (like Cameron Crazies, the rapper Krazy, the song Crazy in Love by Beyonce, Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle etc). There is nothing wrong with using the word lunatic being used in pop culture to name things (like Lunatic's Pandora in FF VIII, or the name Looney Tunes etc)

There is NOTHING offensive about having a Christian Cross on water tank

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about public schools teaching Deistic Evolution

There is NOTHING offensive about the Fighting Irish nickname for the Notre Dame sports teams

There is NOTHING offensive about Goonies (1985 movie)

There is NOTHING offensive about Horton Hears a Who

There is NOTHING offensive about calling some ice 'Italian Ice'

There is NOTHING offensive about the way people are portrayed on Disney's Jungle Cruise ride pre 2020s. They are fictional and don't apply to a real life location

There is NOTHING offensive about Mike Tyson's Punch Out

There is NOTHING offensive about Pepe le Pew (Pepe does not cause rape just like violent video games don't cause violence and Islam doesn't cause Islamic terrorism) There is nothing offensive about him being French, it's light hearted mocking of French people.  

There is NOTHING offensive about Porky Pig stuttering 


THERE IS NOTHING offensive about the Prince kissing Sleeping Beauty while she is sleeping to wake her up. That is not date rape. It is totally inoffensive

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with children sitting on the laps of Mall Santas 

There is NOTHNING about the Splash Mountain Disney ride

There is NOTHING offensive about Super Mario Odyssey 

There is NOTHING offensive about Tasmanian Devil. He is NOT ABELIST.

There is NOTHING offensive about the Minnesota Vikings nickname, mascot and logo

There is NOTHING offensive about the song 'Whistle while you work'

There is NOTHING offensive about snow being called white or the term 'white as snow' 

There is NOTHING offensive about the term 'white christmas' or the song White Christmas , only cold hearted, Grinch Scrooge freaks would take offense with those terms

I call a few hypothetical races-ethnicities of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, who are relatively primitive (compared to all races and ethnicities from Earth) , who eat raw meat and live in colder type environments        'edys'   

I call some hypothetical intelligent life extra terrestrial species who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are relatively primitive (compared to humans), eat raw meat and live in snowier environments  'elks'

I call more than a few hypothetical races-ethnicities of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, who are relatively primitive (compared to all races and ethnicities from Earth) , and who are savage and warmongering     'commanders'

I call a few hypothetical intelligent life extra terrestrial species who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, who are relatively inferior to humans and who are warmongering, pillaging ruffians     'guardians' (after Guardians of the Galaxy).  

I want professional sports teams in other solar systems, galaxies or universes using these names for their professional sports teams on their planets: Fighting Coons (named after a former student's pet raccoon in 1924, with raccoon mascot and logo), London Rippers (with the same logo that the London Ontario Rippers baseball team used in the 2000s)

I want to get intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes to use the name Eskimo Pie to name some of their ice cream products on their planets. Maybe I'll get SETI to help me send out a message to intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies or universes requesting that they name some of their ice cream products Eskimo Pie on their planets

Kids should fight back against bullies by beating those bullies up. Nothing stops bullying better than kids and teens literally fighting back and turning the tables on those bullies.

There is nothing wrong with people dressing up for cosplay or in costumes for Harvest in ways that perputate gender norms or gender stereotypes. In fact I RECOMMEND that people dress up in cosplay and for Harvest in costumes (if they celebrate Harvest) in ways that perputate gender norms and gender stereotypes as a way to FU SJWs

I am indifferent yet open to being morally (morally as in moral support) somewhat agreeable to the view that it is ok (but still not ideal) for kids and adults to wear Native American costumes for Harvest and for Cosplay assuming they had advice about such costumes from SJW Native American activists on how to pull it off without offending people


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