LGBTQ+ Issues


I support Queer Nationalism

Personally I am between apolitical and mixed on gay marriage

Legality wise, I lean moral (as in moral victory) support for gay marriage being legal , but only if gay marriage is called gay marriage or same sex marriage and straight/heterosexual marriage is called marriage (to show they are different). This is only because straight/heterosexual marriage has been around for 6000 years and got a head start. Maybe in a few centuries we can call all marriages, whether gay/same sex or straight/heterosexual 'marriage' but not until 

If the above won't happen, I want Civil Marriage, Religious Marriage and Common Law  marriages to be abolished and this very specific form of privatized marriage to be legalized and become the only form of legal marriage for both straight couples and gay couples :

This very specific form of conditional Privatized marriage for straight couples and gay couples would be within a structure of growing control of the marriage industry by the government through political intervention and regulation via a newly created Independent group of marriage companies board created by the government. Thus the government would have a role in regulating and controlling the marriages in the country despite them being privatized

This would also include the privatization of some public sectors of the US government that have connections (direct and indirect) of the marriage industry,  by companies affiliated with NGOs or the government.

The government would give credits to private marriage companies with millions of earmarks to promote good relationships between them. The government would also make laws demanding that all marriage companies in the US join a newly created Independent group of companies or suffer penalties

Moreover, marriage companies in the US who were loyal to the government and their goals in running the privatized marriage industry the way they wanted would be rewarded with protection and more favorable, pro business laws create for said complying companies (which would increase the profits and investment for those marriage companies).   However, due to the nature of this very specific form of conditional privatization, the government could manipulate this system to do what it wants despite it being privatized.

If I was in a reality where gays weren't born gay then I would no longer support Queer Nationalism

If I was in a reality where gays weren't born gay then I would only support (and believe in) Traditional Marriage  (but I would in that reality lukewarmly support Common Law Marriage being legal for gay couples)

If I was in a reality where gays weren't born gay then I would legality wise be Mike Bloomberg 2001-2005 ambiguous on whether I support gay marriage being legal

However, if I was in the above reality where gays weren't born gay then I would say that I would support gay marriage being legal only if privatized marriage is the only legal form of marriage for both straight couples and gay couples (but regular privatized , not like the very specific privatized that I wrote above). I would then want in that reality the US and other countries to abolish civil marriage, common law marriage and religious marriage and make privatized marriage is only legal form of marriage for straight couples and gay couples. This way the government stays out of the marriage business

I support individual persons, whether heterosexual/homosexual/lesbian who are cohabiting/single to be able to adopt children. Ideally, in conjunction with a country wide layout of It Takes a Village type systems for children of parents of all sexual orientations, as mentioned here and by Hillary Clinton

I  am passively against gay conversion therapy being legal

I am against Rick Perry's early 2010s anti gay laws he signed or tried to sign.

I am against criminalizing people being gay. It's the 21st century not the 19th century.

I am a LGBTQ Leninism (cultural) explorer

I believe that if there was like 5 or 10 more biological sexes of people on Earth, that all gay people from Earth would become either bisexual ,trisexual, or quadsexual (due to having more biological sexes to choose from instead of just male/female)

However, I would never tell gays they are wrong to be gay and that they should be straight. My reason is, I've had friends who were bullied in school and me seeing those challenges my friends faced made me want to break down barriers for others who were similarily oppressed including gays.  If we tell gays they are wrong or that they should be straight, that would go against those objectives.   If Christians want to criticize gays, they first need to get the beam out of their own eye before doing so. 

I always hope that gay people live the life that is truly best for them and that makes them the happiest.

I believe that gays can become straight (Anne Heche did as did and do many others)

At times I temporarily oscillate to the belief that gays are happier straight and that it's more ideal for them to be straight than gay (ie in a 'being gay is great but being straight is excellent' sort of way) but each time I oscillate to those thoughts,  I oscillate back to being pro lgbtq each time because our government shouldn't enforce morality. It's a settled issue anyway so its best to move on.  

 I don't believe all people who are against gay rights are doing so out of hate.  They aren't going to overturn gay rights laws anyway so leave the few people against gay rights for non hate reasons alone. Live and let live

Personally, I would never be gay because of Paschal's Wager and the remote chance (no matter how remote ymmv) that being gay is a sin. If I took Paschal's Wager, then that would mean that I have to admit that there is a remote chance that being gay is a sin (ie from the Book of Romans -Man shall not lie with man like he lies with woman). For me to risk dying a sinner (by being gay), no matter how remote of a chance there is that being gay is a sin, are not odds that I would want to gamble my eternal future on. I am a very cautious person who rarely takes risks, so that plays into my thinking. If other people want to take that risk of being gay and not believe being gay is a sin or that God is real, more power to them. But if they had my way of thinking or if my way of thinking accidently rubbed off on them, they would think twice about being gay.

While gay marriage is just as official as straight marriage legally (ie in the eyes of the government), in God's eyes, gay marriage may not official (even if the marriage is a Religious Marriage, since the only marriage that God views as official is straight marriage). However, I have no issues with gay marriages maybe not being officially recognized in our God's eyes while straight marriage is officially recognized in God's eyes. 

My reasons are, God created marriage, so he is extra extra extra picky about any changes made to his creation (marriage), just like any person who creates something huge will naturally be extra extra extra picky about at least some changes that were made to their creation after they lost control of it. It's only natural, so in light of that, gays shouldn't be upset that their marriages are not official in God's eyes. Their marriages are official to the people (government, friends, family etc) who are best equipped to help them in their gay lives be happy and get their rights.  

Moreover, God is at a distance from us so him being far from gays, means they shouldn't care about his approval of their marriages.

I am glad that various major corporations (like American Airlines, Disney, MLB, NFL, Burger King etc) use LGBTQ diversity (in hiring and advertising) to hide the fact they have no (or effectively no) labor unions .  

My reason is this: Discrimination of LGBGT people not only negatively effects LGBTQ but is bad to working class people of all stripes as any discrimination practices between demographic sections of the working class cause a very divisive practice hurting the development of working class consciousness , creating barriers to class unity to take away attention from class exploitation which bolsters the rich 

So by ending LGBTQ discrimination via LGBTQ diversity practices at work and via advertising, those major corporations are helping all of their workers of all sexual orientations since without the distractions of anti LGBTQ bigotry which they prevent via those LGBTQ diversity practices, their workers attention is shifted to the evils of the rich corporate crony capitalists which would lead to the overthrow of those rich corporate crony capitalists, leading to the betterment of ALL people, not just LGBTQ in all aspects. 

tldr. So these major corporations don’t need to prioritize giving labor unions to their workers because by those major corporations having LGBTQ diversity (at work and via advertising), it eliminates workplace anti LGBTQ bigotry, leading to a more harmonious and productive work environment for everyone, and an eventual socialistic revolution which will create a economically equal society for not just those workers of those major corporations but for all people in the US etc

I am against Lesbian Erasure. It is wrong for people to try to get Lesbians to transition to males or to become fluid. That is homophobia disguised as Liberalness. I want Lesbians to get more visibility  within the LGBTQ movement, and be treated as equal to Homosexuals. There is nothing wrong with women being Lesbians.

I am against Heterophobia. There is nothing oppressive or wrong about Heterosexuality. 

I am radically centrist on the Straight Pride movement.  

I am a Laissez Faire Left Wing Heterosexist

I am not crazy about kids being taught lgbtq things. A lot of Muslim parents get offended by that and Muslims have endured enough since 9/11 that we may have to bite the bullet for them on that.

I am against kids in preschool and k-6 school being taught these type of things. That type of teaching has no place in preschool and elementary schools.

I believe there are biological differences between males and females 

Maybe the best way to deal with transphobes is to give those transphobes ‘free helicopter rides’ in Chile and Argentina

I between turn the other way with and begrudgingly live with the pro transgender laws that that the UK government has enacted since the leadership of Tony Blair and will continue to enact in my lifetime (grrrr)

I have a half hearted triangulation lean support position on Postgenderism due to the , rightfully or wrongfully, irrerversible nature of postmodernism and extreme progressiveness.

If anyone is to blame for oppressing trans women or non abled POC etc, it is nature. Postgenderism wants to abolish or seriously alter the gender binary, as such a arbitrary binary causes bigots to be repress people. 

Postgenderism would abolish gender roles, but also to blur the line to the extreme between biological sexes by using biotechnology and neurotechnology. This would force sexists, cissexists and transphobes not be bigoted since differences between genders sex wouldn’t exist. I have a half hearted triangulation lean support position on all of that

I see a silver lining with those Transphobic bills preventing trans males from competing in in men’s only sports and trans females from competing in woman’s only sports for acceleration reasons: such transphobic bills will force our society to go left in Transgender rights by eliciting sympathy for them . 

I respect and empathize with Caitlyn Jenner’s view on Transgender people in sex specific sports even though I really don’t agree with her on that issue (since I am pro Trans). Jenner is an Olympic gold medalist Transgender woman, so her view on this offers a unique perspective that we simply cannot discount

Children networks should not be teaching kids about Draq Queens. Children should not be drag queens Shame on Nickelodeon for their indoctrination of our kids with that garbage

There is NOTHING wrong or transphobic about a woman saying they are proud to be a woman. I fully support Adele's 2022 Brit Awards speech. Her speech was 100 percent positive and great.

Males have penises , females have breasts and vaginas. SCIENCE SAYS SO. Anyone who says otherwise is a nuts. Science says so 

I always defend transgender people from Terf feminists since I believe transgenderism can accelerate women’s rights in unique ways that Terfs don’t understand

I personally and legality wise support transgender people marrying whoever they want to marry

I can name as many genders at the average student at Cal Berkely can

Teachers shouldn't encourage students to be transgender. Their job is to teach not to convert kids into being transgender.

With regret and a heavy heart, I cannot bring myself to support kids under 15 becoming transgender. They aren’t mature enough at that those young ages to make those decisions. If kids and young teens can’t be trusted to be mature enough for consent or to vote or to work full tine jobs or go fight in the military etc why the f*ck should they trusted to be mature enough to make such a life altering decision ?  I am open to changing my view on this if revolutionary progressives can make a convincing arguement to me to change my view on it

I do not believe that its transphobic for straight non transgender people to not want to date transgender people. It's picky, petty, shallow, small minded but not bigoted. It's their right.

I am neutral to lean agree with the view that transgender women should not be allowed to get cervical cancer screenings since they don't have that organ and I believe that transgender men should be allowed to get cervical and breast cancer screenings (since not getting those tests can lead to them getting those diseases)

Since I am a Libertarian Anarchist I am pragmatically and with my nose held against hate crime laws for hate crimes committed against gay and transgender/transsexual people.  I trust that the judge and jury will always take into account whether the crime was bias or not and then act and sentence accordingly (it's called trust in our institutions). The government/state should have no role in that whatsoever

I am not against LGBTQQIP2SAAONPND+ people. I try to find stuff that unite me and LGBTQQIP2SAAONPND people up instead of divide us. If that makes I am not against LGBTQQIP2SAAONPND+ people. I try to find stuff that unite me and LGBTQQIP2SAAONPND pgobes think I am an ally of I am an ally of LGBTQQIP2SAAONPND+ people so be it.


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