Military, Wars and International Issues

International issues (war/international relations/issues in other countries etc)

Military/Isolationism/Wars in general

I support American exceptionalism

I am anti war most of the time but I am anti war for the reasons that Mark Twain was anti war (Lockean love of liberty and anti government)   

Since I am defacto anti war/not supportive of wars, I am by default against all countries on Earth going to war/me non supportive of all countries on Earth going to war . For example, after the outbreak of each war I check to see if an extremely rare and overwhelming case for me supporting that war being waged exists and if it doesn't I keep my default anti war/not supportive position on that war.  It takes more for me to support a war then for me not to condemn a war. I haven't supported a war since I supported the Iraq War in early 2003 (before changing my mind in March 2003 and being against the Iraq War)

I am very pro military and pro veteran despite being anti war 

I am passionately and zealously opposed to Imperialism

I am ok with the US protecting Democracy in other countries and standing up to tyrants in other countries because that is how the US was created and what it was founded on (standing up to the British tyrants and fighting for the creation of our Democracy known as the US)

I am a Post Colonialist Anarchist. I support a Post Colonial world

I am an mostly Isolationist though I feel the US should make alliances with other countries to protect the US and our citizens.

I am against the Open Skies Treaty

I do not support  Globalism (just like many unions in the US). I much rather prefer Radical Localism that id fused with Internationalist Leninism to Globalism. I am also tempted to say Right Wing Nationalism is less bad than Globalism (but still worse than Globalization). We need all of the liberals and liberal groups we have to fight against globalism

I was and still am against the Patriot Act 

I do not agree with Sully's view that  Donald Trump showed 'utter and vulgar disrespect and contempt' for US troops past and present. Trump treated the US military mostly decent to good as President. The Atlantic's report that Donald Trump had called WWI heroes 'suckers' and 'losers' is wrong and NOT TRUE AT ALL.   Sully has to admit that Jesse Ventura was either the same, not much better or worse as a politician for our military than Donald Trump. Donald Trump never disrespected any military people in France in 2018. That story by the Atlantic that said he did those things is fake news.

Israel Palestine

I am Pro Israel (I am Jewish) and I do not support the BDS. I do wish us Pro Israel people can help address the concerns of BDS people and their allies but in a Pro Israel way (ie in a way that benefits Israel and the Israelites and also makes the BDS people and their allies along with the Palestinians feel their concerns were alleviated at the same time)

I am lean Pro Israel (center right) on the Israel-Palestinian conflict  I have no problem with the Embassy of Israel being moved to Jerusalem.    

I have no issues with Zionism and I am glad that the US is pro Israel but the US embracing Zionism is not ideal in my mind. We should support Israel like any of our allies like the UK, Australia, Argentina, but not more than we support those allies and certainly not put Israel above the US. There is no reason that American politicians should have an Israeli flag in his office. I am slightly to the right of Ayanna Pressley on the issue of Zionism.

I favor a two state solution in Israel/Palestine , but a more pro Palestinian one

Jewish people have wandered for thousands of years without nation or power and, until the creation of Israel (and even after it, though much less so than before) are a refutation of Zionist and Nationalist idealogy (or even the concept of a country to being with) since this eliminates the whole nation-power concept from politics. They should be admired for keeping their identity and culture together through those thousands of years of wanderings. Jewish dispora should be a model for a post nation world where nations are fluid and nomadic, more like the Jewish dispora Jews (mobile and fluid) and less like Israel Jews (Zionist/Nationalist) and static nation residents (ie US, Canada, Australia, China, UK, etc)

If I had it my way I'd go back in time millions of years and put a big chunk of land where the sea parts of the Mediterranean Sea are that stretches from Northern Lebanon, Haifa and the Gaza City to the west, Port Said to the North and Limsassol Cyprus to the South. Then thousands of years ago, I'd make that land be the country of Palestine and then I'd have the Palestinians live in Palestine from thousands of years ago through today and for thousands of years more.  I would make sure that no Israelis or any other country or people occupied Palestine ever and that Palestine would never become a territory of Britain or any other country.  This Palestine would be much bigger than Mandatory Palestine.  This would have also prevented countless deaths on both sides that were lost in the Israel-Palestine conflict since Israel would have (since 1948) all of Israel including the Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and the West Bank in this ideal world.

Rashida Tlaib should not have given in to far left  anti Israel bullies and she should have went to Israel/Palestine as she planned. 


The 2022 Winter Olympics being played on schedule while the 2020 Summer Olympics weren't played on schedule seems hypocritical. I am against boycottting sporting events and I would never encourage anyone to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics but I am fine with people boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics.

China is very wrong for their 1 2 3 child policies, for employing Communism, and for being anti Christian. Moreover they are wrong for propping up Mao Zedong who was a fascist and a dictator (dictator of the proclyte at best) who committed senseless murders on innocent victims. He gets a dC---- grade at BEST and mostly because of what the decent things did at the start of his run as leader of China and because some people don't see him as the fascist dictator that he was. (grade system worst: F Ff f fD D Dd d dC C Cc c cB B Bb b bA A Aa best: a)

I am also against China's social credit system. 

I am apolitical on China's pandemic laws etc.

I condemn China for getting involved in the US 2020 racial unrest situations. I also strongly condemn  China for trying to make our children in this country woke through marxist propaganda

China did genocide to Uyghurs or not  is moot, China still committed extreme human rights violations against them and thus they are very wrong to treat the Uyghurs the way they did. Personally I believe it was ethnic cleansing. But I have no issues with calling it a genocide

China should free the Uyghurs and reach out peacefully to the Uyghurs to assimilate (including following this advice by the ADL, if the Uyghurs won't agree to that, then China should deal with the Uyghurs the same exact way that European countries like France, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany etc deal with Muslims in the last decade 

I believe just short of sanctions type sanctioning China for the Uyghur situation etc is the best course to take. China might be a diamond in the rough so we need to pressure China to be that good country we know it can be

China should not use forced labor ever (because people who are forced to do work do inferior work to people who voluntarily do work)  They should pay all of their workers fairly

China should also enable their oppressed citizens to have self reliance and help themselves . Less government intrusion by China and the CCP the better. I believe that China should creatively and conditionally privatize their businesses and fairly pay all of their laborers.  

Maybe a new work system, where no matter how much the workers in China contribute to their work, their work is valued by China and the CCP should be implemented as this would help new Chinese citizens become and feel valued in Chinese society. 

I'd also want labor unions created in China by NGOs within China who with their input would help bridge the gap and build bonds between the Chinese employers and formerly forced labor (now paid) employees and help both sides work together to make those jobs and China better as a whole.  

I have a triangulation position on high tariffs against China

I am apolitical to third political position on the China-Hong Kong dispute

I don't want Taiwan to become independant, I want it to stay as it is now. This means I want Taiwan to remain officially as the Republic of China and continued to be recognized as part of China by the UN and all countries that currently recognize it as part of China. I want Taiwan to remain fully self governing and to keep its unoffical ties (through representative offices and instutitions functioning as de facto embassies) with all of the countries it currently has these unofficial ties with. I want most international organizations that the PRC participates to continue to either refuse to grant membership to Taiwan or allow Taiwan to participate only as a non-state actor.

I was against the Nuclear Freeze in the 1980s and early 1990s only because I knew that the US having Nuclear weapons was to prevent the Soviet Union from using their Nuclear weapons. To this day I am still against a Nuclear Freeze due to countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea having Nuclear weapons. I want a world free of Nuclear Weapons but I will not support a Nuclear Freeze until countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea also agree to give up their Nuclear Weapons too. I do not want a Nuclear war. I am thus a Nuclear Abolitionist     

I believe that the Soviet Union of the 1950s should have adopted Anarchism and Classical Liberalism to create a politically syncretic party of Communism-Socialism and Anarchism and Classical Liberalism. If the  Soviet Union had done that and stuck with it, it would have been a great state. One good thing about the 1950s 1960s etc Soviet Union was that it held held Eastern Europe in check from becoming fascist. Moreover, the Soviet Union of that time was good to oppose the more extreme forms of Zionism (the types that even the ADL would criticize today) so that is another reason that the 1950s 1960s Soviet Union was good in some respects.

Arthur Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg were TRAITORS and they should have spent many decades in prison for their treason instead of being executed.  They were traitors to the US and the world, their treason cost millions of Americans their lives fighting in Korea. They sold the US out and they are 2 of the biggest disgraces in the history of the US.

North Ossetia is part of Russia and I am glad that North Ossetia is part of Russia

While I don't support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I don't feel the need to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine either (which is NOT the same thing as me saying 'I don't condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine)   Enough people around the world have condemned Russia's invasion, no need for me to pile on.   It's none of our business

The US and Europe should try to de escalate the Russia-Ukraine crisis instead of inflaming it

I was and I am still against Ukraine joining NATO

The January 6 protestors did not cause the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Those 2 things have nothing to do with each other.

I want Crimea to be part of a binational solution (ie One Nation State) with Greece which could either be a twin regime federalist arrangement or a unitary state while Crimea along with the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk should join the Commonwealth of Independent States which already has Belarus and Russia as members

I am fully against companies (like Big Tech) suspending their products and services to Russia. Russian citizens are being wrongly and punitively penalized because of their government.  I call for a full boycott of every company who engages in these acts They never did this to Muslims in countries where ISIS or Al Qaeda are from, yet they do it with Russia? Hypocrite much. History will condemn Google, Microsoft, Sony for their actions with Russia. It goes against human decency, will only make Russians hate those companies and won't do anything.  Hurting innocent people through refusing them service to force them to have the view you want is fascist and evil

I am against the Maidan Coup which was an illegal act which removed a legit elected head of state

Ukraine deserves criticism for not developing Donbas and leaving it open to Russia and other forces

I oscillate between being apolitical on whether the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk should become (and be recognized as) an Independant nation , me wanting the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk to be to Ukraine what Taiwan is to China and for it to be as fully self governing and free from Ukraine as Taiwan is fully self governing and free from China (ie Me wanting the PRoB to be fully self governing but recognized internationally by Ukraine and nearly all countries on Earth as part of Ukraine. Along with me wanting the PRoB to have unofficial ties to the nearly all countries it wouldn't have official ties to through representative offices and institutions that function as de facto embassies and consulates. Furthermore me wanting the PRoB to only be allowed to particapate as part of Ukraine or in some situations as a non state actor within organizations that Ukraine belongs to)     and me having a fourth political position on this issue. In any case, reguardless of what happens above, The People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk, along with Crimea should join the Commonwealth of Independant Nations which already has Russia and Belarus as members in addition to the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk forming a relationship with Russia that is similar to the relationship that Australia and Canada currently has with the United Kingdom

I don't support US sanctions against Russia since I prefer a more isolationist approach. If there was indirect way for the US to sanction Russia over this, I'd be open to that but its none of our business

I hope the US and European sanctions and some penalties against Russia stay forever. Not because of the war in Ukraine but because it would be hypocritical to make such sanctions and some such penalties against them and then end those sanctions and some of those penalties at a later time and pretend everything is normal. I don't agree with the sanctions and penalties but since they are made most of them should stick.

I am 100 percent against the US sending troops to go to war with Russia under any circumstance barring a direct hit from Russia on our soil.  I am 100 percent against the US setting up a no fly zone

I believe that the we should hack the bank accounts of Russian Olyriachs and force them to be bankrupt for the rest of their lives. Not because of Russia's war with Ukraine and not for any political reason but simply because they are too rich and nobody should have that much money. If we can force them into bankruptcy we can have a slow trickle effect which leads to less wealth hoarding by filthy rich trolls.  No more yachts for them ,no more vacations for them, force them to live like the rest of us. They are easy and acceptable targets

It is hypocritical and wrong to ban innocent Russians from entering other countries .Liberals cried over a Muslim travel ban by Donald Trump during the reign of ISIS yet they applaud this? Hypocrite much.  I believe banning innocent Russians from going to other countries because of Russia going to war with Ukraine is wrong, senseless and fascist and is just as bad as Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban in 2017. I am fully against the Russia flight ban by the US and Europe. It is draconian, fascist and evil. It's also a violation of freedom of movement. I hope all Russians permanelty boycott the US and all countries that banned flights to and from Russia.

Some Russians have been unfairly fired due to their place of origin by fascist Russophobes. Their firings are a violation of Employement Acts ,since they were singled out due to their place of origin. These Russians being unfairly fired is akin to McCarthysim or what the US did to Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Freedom of speech means telling people what they don't want to hear. We must end extreme cancel culture and modern day McCarthyism

I am against Anna Nebretko getting fired by the Metropolitian Opera House. There was no reason to fire her and Peter Gelb should be fired on the spot for what he did.

I am against the Bolshoi Ballet being fired. They did nothing wrong and they were unfairly fired for no reason. 

the Steele Dosier is false

I am a fan of Nastya Rybka and her allies since they exposed Russia's relations with Donald Trump (via Oligalarch Oleg Deripaska). I rooted so hard for them to be released from prison in Thailand as they were set up by Russia (but not by Vladimir Putin but by rogue members of his cabinet)

I thought it was amusing and 1990s anti heroish how Nastya and her allies protested the criticisms of Harvey Weinstein a few years ago outside the US embassy, complete with their 'you can touch me anytime Harvey' signs (even though I hate Harvey Weinstein and want him to go to prison for life, I was realize she was only doing that for attention)

Middle East/North Africa/Central Asia

Muslim world in general

Islam is no better or worse than any other religion. It has good and bad like any other religion. Islam shares an Abrahamaniac link to Judeo Christianity. Not all criticism of Islam is Islamaphobic and some criticism of Islam is genuine and constructive.  Some sects of Islam do treat women and LGBTQ people unfairly which is wrong.  People should avoid criticizing things in Islam that they don't understand because if they don't avoid doing that, they'll look ignorant.

An-Nisa 34 :,_34#Verse according to some Muslim scholars serves as a deterrent for husbands against anger based domestic violence. I believe if you look at it the way they do and from their perspective, they might be right. However, some Islamic feminists say that verse does the opposite. But like all things in Islam, people take something and twist it to justify evil. Domestic violence is 100 percent wrong, but so is trying to twist religious verses to justify evil.  People need to learn about Islam before they even begin to criticize it

However, Muslims should convert to Christianity but I feel that people should only convert them through passive and non intrusive ways (ie in PC ways and ways that wouldn't offend liberal groups, I am sure that way exists ,anything is possible)

I believe people should criticize Islam and every religion since no religion should be off limits but they should do so in a constructive, genuine way that is free of Islamaphobia. 

I am against France and other countries banning Muslim women from wearing Burkinis and Burqas. I am fine with Muslim women wearing Burkinis and Burqas. Freedom of expression and freedom of religion are key pillars of our societies.  I believe that the anti Burkini and anti Burqa backlash is Islamaphobic while the anti Hijab backlash is ignorant.  Even if we pretend that the Burqa is a symbol of ‘oppression’ (which it is not), banning the Burqa is as bad or even worse than that pretend oppressive symbolism that the Burqa gives off. Muslims should use an Anarcho Pacifist form Pinochetism to counter such such Islamaphobia as Burkini bans and Burqa bans

I am against the Netherlands being Islamaphobic and racist toward Muslims and Arabs. Shame on the Netherlands for being that way

I agree with some things from Quilliam about Muslims

This article echos my feelings about the Clock boy incident from 2015:

I was and still am against Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban

I am fine with countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar etc requiring people to dress modestly or conservatively in certain religious places.

I have defended Muslims against defamation since 9/11. I am appalled that Muslims were and are stereotyped and labeled as terrorists since 9/11 (especially right after 9/11 and in the age of ISIS). The vast vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists and only a fringe part of some sects of Islam are terrorists. I do think that Muslims should try to counter Islamaphobia in a peaceful, educational and edifying sort of way instead of lowering themselves to the Islamaphobes level.

I don't believe the October 31 2018 truck attack in NYC or the Swedish truck attack in 2017 were terrorist attacks or Islamic extremism. I am not even that sure that the 2016 Nice lorre attacks were terrorism or Islamic extremism (or at least I am not that sure if terrorism/Islamic extremism was the primary motive of the attacks). Saying that every time a Muslim commits mass murder is terrorism or Islamic extremism is bigoted, ignorant, naive and offensive.  However, on the flip side, a few attacks by Muslims that are not labele as terrorism/Islamic extremism are technically terrorism or Islamic extremism (the Fort Hood shooting for example). But there are far more times Muslims committing crimes are falsely accused of terrorism/Islamic extremism than there are times when Muslims do commit terrorist or Islamic extremist attacks and said attacks are not labeled as terrorism/Islamic extremism

A lot more ISIS and Al Qaeda members are really Atheists who use Islam as a cover to justify their actions than people think.

Christians who are killed in the Middle East by ISIS should always be labeled as Christians instead of worshippers by the media and politicians.

I believe that Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq should implement migration/refugee policies in the future that are similar to migration/refugee policies that are somewhat more liberal than Canada's current migration/refugee policy. I feel that these laxer migration/refugee policies would improve the economies in those countries so that they keep up with Israel, UAE and Saudi Arabia in terms of economics. The countries above need to continue to modernize in terms of migration/refugees.  


Donald Trump did nothing wrong to his apologists by his targeted killing of Qasem Soleimani. Way more than ideal,y it would have been better if he captured Soleimani and put him in prison for at least a few years or until Qasem agreed to be a double agent, but he is a terrorist. I am not enthused about the killing however and it is the reason why I hate war and countries being big brother to other countries but it was neccessary.

I am glad that the US left Syria in 2019 and I believe it was the right move. I fully support the 2019 troop withdrawal from Syria. We should not have bombed or went to war with Syria at all. It was none of our business. The white shirts may have been connected to Al Qaeda. While I am against the Syria war, I supported and prayed for the troops who went into Syria since I am pro Military

I was and still am against the Libya War (the one under Barack Obama),

I was and still am against the Iraq War (I was for it until late March 2003 then I became permanently against it)  

Instead of going to war with Iraq, I pragmatically believe that the US should have given military aid to to the Kurds if and when the Kurds went to war against Iraq. However, I have compassion for anti war (anti military aid wing) people who wouldn't want us to have given military aid to the Kurds in their war against Iraq even though I pragmatically believe that the US should have given military aid to the Kurds if they went to war with Iraq.

I support the Iraq War troop surge by George W Bush in 2007. It was a smart strategy and helped turn the war around for us.

Chris Kyle was a war hero and his movie is not offensive (YMMV). At the very least, people offended by it should at the very least agree that it shouldn't be censored.

I supported the UN sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s and I don't regret supporting those sanctions at all. I am glad that the UN sanctioned Iraq in the 1990s since Iraq deserved those sanctions.

I think that the Gulf War was justifiable (doesn't mean I support it)

I am against the way that Joe Biden handled Afghanistan .Biden botched the withdrawal of our troops in Afghanistan

In the 2000s, I was so bummed about the islamphobic persecution that Muslims got after 9/11 and about the Iraq War, I would have sympathized with Krysten Sinema saying she doesn’t care if an American joined the Taliban. But now I condemn her for those remarks since I moved right since then

Asia conflicts

I do not condemn the 2021 coup de tat in Myanmar ,its none of my business

I support the way Donald Trump handled North Korea

I have no issues with the Swift Boat Veterans smearing of John McCain. It helped get Barack Obama into office

I would have been against the Vietnam War and I've been against it since I was born (though I am against some far left parts of the anti war movement and against the hate that the veterans got from anti war people)  If I was alive then, I would have initially supported the Vietnam War until c 1967 with me then turning against it

I would have supported the Filipinos in the Philippine-American War if I was alive back then (I do retroactively support them) since the US was wrong to annex the Philippines (imperialism is wrong)


Sweden has the highest quality of life and I believe because of that they are a model to the rest of the world

Ireland is a model for freedom. It is a small nation where guerillas have fought for freedom for so long and many times defeated their oppressors to get that freedom despite the oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc.

I retroactively support the Red Army Faction (WG 1970s 1980s)

Americas conflicts

I support the Cuban 2021 protesters but I hope the Cuban government learns from that and that peace and common ground is found in Cuba.

I would have initially supported the US going to war with Spain in the Spanish-American War if I was alive back then but near the end I would have at least somewhat turned against it.  In the present, I pragmatically lean being against the US going to war with Spain in the Spanish American War.  I am glad that the US won that war, but they really shouldn't have went to war with Spain since imperialism is wrong.

If I was alive in the 19th century, and born and raised on a similar planet about 1010115, meters or more away from Earth, I would have been against that similar planet’s Union doppelgänger going to war with that identical planet’s South doppelgänger during that similar planet’s doppelgänger Civil War in the same way Anti war Americans were against other Americans going to war in WW II since I am anti war.

I do note however that I would have hoped, that in that hypothetical situation that despite no doppelgänger Civil War on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth, that the anarchist abolishlist doppelgängers would have radically upped their helping the slave doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth escape to effectively to offset no Union doppelgänger intervention in freeing them, with a hope that the better (or at worst the same) results than we have today on Earth in terms of emancipation and freedom would have still happened on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth in this hypothetical situation .Nearly all wars are wrong.

I believe that the New England states should have seceded from the Union during the War of 1812 thus forming their own county and helped or took over for the British in that war against the US. Once that happened and New England won the War of 1812 vs the US (and Britain left the US),  I'd want New England to force the South, Midwest, West and non New England Northeast US to be as liberal as New England. It's just that I feel that the US wasn't doing enough to help New England during that war and that New England could have had an opening in seceding and defeating the US to spread liberal New England puritan values throughout the US to make the US more liberal decades earlier and be ahead of the curve hence my support for a 1812 New England secession from the Union and them forming their own country..


I support religious freedom 

The Catholic Church and other churches should be Nationalized instead of being treaded on by the government without being Nationalized by the government

The US and other countries are not Theocracies and thus the government should not enforce laws based on the beliefs of religious people. Theocracies only work in the afterlife or in the bible, not on Earth (give to Caesar what is Caesar etc).

It certainly wouldn't hurt for more people to at least try to live by the Two Commandments of Mark 12:28-31 of the KJV

Jesus was white, Mary was white  and we should not get rid any images, statues, paintings, art etc of a white Jesus, a white Mary or white biblical people. 

High ranking Jewish authorities (ie Sadducees and Pharisees)  conspired with non Jewish leaders to put Jesus to death. They were jealous of Jesus, and saw him as a threat (Jesus constantly called out the Sadducees and Pharisees for their hypocrisy and evil ways during his ministry). 

An unruly mob of people (the vast vast majority of whom were Jewish), in Jerusalem called out for the Romans to crucify and kill Jesus. In Matthew 27:25, Pontius Pilate washed his hands of Jesus's blood and those mob of people (the vast vast majority of whom were Jewish) who had called for Jesus to be crucified, told Pilate "His blood be on us and our children! In the Gospel of John (John 5:18, John 7:1, John 8:37) John shows that Jews wanting to kill Jesus throughout his ministry . Paul, who was himself a Jew, wrote similar things about Jews relationship with Jesus. Paul persuected Christians when he was still Jewish (1 Thess 2:14-15, Phil 3:5-6)

It doesn't matter because Jesus's death was predestined by God as a plan to save humanity. If Jesus wasn't crucified and killed, no Christians would be saved so the Jewish peoples' role in Jesus death saved humanity, because if he didn't get crucifed and killed, none of us would be able to have eternal life. Jesus gave his life willingly as a sacrifice for sin (Mark 10:45, John 18:11). It was Christians' sins that was the most directly responsible for the death of Jesus (Romans 5:8-9, 1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later anyway and rose to heaven on his own free will. 

I want the Tridentine Mass (1962 Roman Missal) to continue to be celebrated just like it has been celebrated for the last 15 years. I support Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum.  

I used to go the Knights of Columbus as a child and teenager a few times a year.  The Knights of Columbus is a great organization.

Christians sharing all the positive things from their lives with other people in a natural, non religious way can help those people be open to being Christian. Christians should also use their lives as a non verbal , living encouragement to non Christians to consider Christianity. 

I sometimes do blame the Church for sometimes being an immoral inversion. For example, some sects of Christianity and Catholicism are an unhealed wound for the West due to their heretical anti liberal views. Some of these sects of Christianity and Catholicism forbid a liberal state which is a problem.

Minorities have been oppressed by the oppressive hiearchies of mother nature more so than by whites. When Christ comes back and establishes heaven on Earth , he will abolish hierarchies of state, capital and reaction. He will create a new type of existence with possibly different laws of nature for all people of all identities so nothing could separate people anymore. No longer will personal property exist, everyone will share what they have like the Christians in the Book of Acts . It will be true retirement for all Christians

The holy spirit will be the only drug we’ll use and need in that new kingdom


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