Misc issues


I am a Christian (Quaker/Anglican/Greek Catholic)

I am against the National Garden of American Heroes. It was a reactionary move by Donald Trump that also was wrong because the federal government (including our Presidents) should not tell us who our historical heroes should be and should not force these names upon us. Who decides who is great? What right does our government have to do such things? What right does our government have to dictate to us who was 'worthy' enough to get a statue?  This is the US, not the USSR under Josef Stalin (though Trump loves Russia so he obviously loves the old USSR too). Those 'heroes', don't need to have statues or be honored in a Presidential garden, their heroism lives on in every American.

The LA Times was wrong to tell people to stop consuming so much to stop the supply chain problems  Limiting consumption is the worst way to fix those problems.

This Washington Post opinion piece is wrong and they should apologize for it

I am between mixed and neutral on Oregon's right to die law

I am a Neo Luddite as I feel like Dr Malcolm felt in Jurassic Park, just because we could doesn't mean we should. Social Media in particular has destroyed our society in a way we can never get it back. 

I want video games to be as hard now as they were in the 1980s and 1990s (ie cheap level design, not telling the player where to go, unfair gameplay etc, ie Nintendo Hard). This teaches players how to overcome obstacles ,rewards players who keep going and instills values.

I support secondary seat belt laws for all passengers. I also want less penalty for people who don't wear seat belts but at the same time, driving speeds reduced, roads made better to cause less accidents and better more safer automobiles to be made to balance that.

I support removing red light cameras. Less spying on citizens by the gov the better

I am against people gambling. Gambling is wrong and while it should be legal for regulation reasons, it should be regulated through the roof

I never hurt my stuffed animals, dolls, action figures and computers ever. I would never hurt them ever unless I was warped to a sci fi reality and they were attacking me, then it would be just to get them off of me or to de escalate. However, if they got destroyed in an accidental fire or explosion, I'd be fine with it


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