Voting and Elections


I believe that limiting voting for people is pretty bad .I believe that both sides increasing voter turn out is the best way to make voting for more fair. I also believe that it would be cool if it became legal to have people vote as many times as they want for a candidate like how Wikipedians vote for Arbcom candidates as many times as they want in Arbcom elections each year.

I support Krysten Sinema opposing the Democrats plan to weaken/bypass the filibuster. Here is one way she can still help increase ‘voting rights’ if she feels a need to do so to please her Democrat overlords

I am against the abuse Krysten Sinema has gotten from other Democrats due to her vote. 

I plead the fifth on my view of instant runoff voting

I am radically apolitical on first past the post voting

While I support the electoral college I am open to a system for our country where we have a direct democracy which allows people to directly vote on things as opposed to representive democracy that we currently have (the reason I am open to direct democracy is because representive democracy is open to abuse by special interests and political influence) and where the laws of short enough for people to know what they mean.

The Georgia voting id law by Republicans is not racist and not meant to hurt blacks. It's just an impulsive, not well thought out law that needs to be fixed to say the least. Any damage those type of laws do to black voters is due to carelessness, not intential disenfranchisement

I can live with voters not being required to show id to vote

I believe voters should be required to provide identification (which can be a written or verbal confirmation of name, address and date of birth) and sign a poll book in order to vote. The request for identification is suspended if lines are longer than 45 minutes

I support the strict reading of voter rolls by poll workers

People should be required by law show id when they register to vote

Stacy Abrams had some good views on voting rights that I agree with.

Prison inmates should only vote if they are imprisoned within their voting electorate 

Convinced felons who are released from prison shouldn't be able to vote unless they prove that they are reformed 

I am against the Electoral College being removed or replaced

I am against DC becoming a state.

Since I wasn't following the 2020 Presidential Election, I can't say with any degree of certainty that the election wasn't stolen by Democrats and Joe Biden.  Even if it was, that doesn't necessarily mean it was wrong to do so, since Democrats have been accused of being passive and weak by many progressives in the Democrat party, stealing an election to try to save the country from (whether true, half true or not true) the perceived 'evil' Donald Trump presidency actually makes Democrats look heroic to those people. It's not like the Republicans never stole an election (ie Republicans possibly stole the 2016 Presidental election and possibly stole the 2000 Presidential election and maybe more in addition to Republicans harassing voters for decades) so at worst it would be payback from the Democrats to the Republicans.  In fact, since the Republicans were probably trying to steal the 2020 election themselves, maybe the Democrats tried to counter that and in countering it, the Democrats went over the line and ‘accidently’ or accipurpsedtly stole the election themselves.

I know that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. I don't think birthers are racist for their birther conspiracy theory. Our Presidents are supposed to answer to us, no matter how nutty our questions to them are (within reason). Think of it like a parent who is called by their child to check for monsters under their bed, that's the same thing with Obama having to answer to nut birthers about where he was born. 

I believe that people who are born and lived some or even more than some of their lives in countries outside of the US should still be allowed to be US President (but I don't think they'd be as good of a President as someone born and largely raised in the US). Boris Johnson, Benjamin Netanyahu, Toomas Hendrik Ives etc all lived in the US in their youth and later became leader of another country. It would have been cool if Barack Obama really was born in Kenya and became US President (of course he was born in Hawaii)

There are probably more migrants (legal and illegal) who vote Democrat than Republican. I am sure that at least some Democrats know this, I am not sure what to make of that. I think its good that our party values diversity as long as that is the real reason they are pro migrant (as opposed to the bad reason of using said migrants to vote Democrat). Diversity means that while most migrants may vote Democrat, they might bring different perspectives from different countries to politics than natives have and new ideas that could help both parties to unite and work together for the good of our country.  A melting pot of political ideas from other countries (even if most are Democrat) might benefit Republicans too since Democrats are not the same in every country.

I typically oppose electoral voting and political reform and I instead stress the importance of alternative strategies outside political systems to achieve a free society



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