Women's and Men's Issues

Women's reproduction issues

I am pretty much pro choice (privately and legality wise), but my view on abortion is that abortion should be rare, safe and legal. 

Despite me being personally and legality wise Pro Choice, between deep down inside and subcounsciously I am probably personally and legality wise mixed to pro life but only because my mom almost lost me during her pregnancy and that forced me to be that way. There is nothing wrong with being Pro Life and people who attack Pro Lifers are misguided at best and evil at worst. I believe life begins at conception.  

Many to most women who have abortions end up having children anyway after their abortion, and many of those women who have children after their abortion, end up having more children than they would have if they didn't have their abortion. This is a major reason that I am pro choice.

I do want a lot more adoption centers to be open nationwide 

Personally I am begrudingly pro choice on second trimester abortion

Legality wise, I support UK government since 1997’s laws (and changes) for second trimester abortion

Personally I am pro life on third trimester abortion (except for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother)

Legality wise I am apolitical lean pro life on third trimester abortion (except for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother and with an open mind for other rare and severe medical cases).

Personally, I am Pro choice for women who are pregnant via rape or incest (however only if they were really raped or really incestally empregnanted, if they weren't really raped or weren't pregnant via incest, then in those situations I am personally pretty much Pro Choice (with the rare safe legal standard). 

Legality wise I am Pro Choice on women who were pregnant via rape or incest (since I trust them to get abortions in those situations)

I always pray to God that God has the pregnant women make the best decision for the pregnant woman and her family and I strongly encourage other people to do the same. 

Personally, I fluidly oscillate between apolitical, neutral and strongly pro choice on whether I believe that late term abortion should be legal for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Legality wise I am always pro choice on late term abortion for babies conceived via rape and incest. 

On the issue of parental consent for minors getting abortions, I am Triangulation lean mixed 

I support parental notification laws (which notify the parent if their child is considering an abortion)

I am against federal laws that overrule state limits or prohibitions on abortions (ie I am against the Women’s Health Protection Act)

I am Apolitical on Texas's new abortion laws. I am somewhat against people criticizing Texas for those laws. While the Texas voter laws could be improved (obviously), I feel it is more constructive for our cause to go after the Texas voter laws instead of the abortion laws. More than half of the US could be categorized as non pro choice if you use specific polling questions.

I pragmatically lean support for the Hyde Amendment. I am libertarian and I believe that the government should stay out of peoples' sex lives.     Instead the government should just keep trying to make our economy better and better so more and more women can afford to get abortions themselves and not need the government to step in.

I believe that it should be illegal for employers to require their workers to be pro choice 

I am against Justin Trudeau going after pro life charities and pro life groups. Trudeau is a fascist dictator for doing that and proves he is a hypocrite on abortion since he doesn't trust women to make their own decision. 

I support a lot more pregnancy crisis centers (ie pro life centers) being opened throughout the US and Canada even if most to all of them point the women toward keeping the baby. 

I believe that kids should learn sex education before graduating elementary school and continue to learn it as preteens and teens. This would help kids, preteens and teens know not to become pregnant, to use common sense and have more anticonceptive access which should be easier for them to get.

I believe that women should have easier access to Misoprostol for up to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

I believe that babies who survive an abortion should be required by law to get medical care if there is more than a reasonable doubt that they could be saved and live a normal life.

In addition, along with sex education, I'd also want kids, preteens and teens to to be taught abstinence (I am Pro Abstinence) 

I am against partial birth abortion and live birth abortion being legal even for babies conceived via rape and incest 

As long as health care providers provide resources to help pregnant women who are pregnant with a baby with down syndrome raise their baby with down syndrome,  I support laws making it illegal for pregnant women to abort babies with down syndrome if their reason for aborting that baby is because the baby has down syndrome. 

I am neutral to lean conditionally support on whether I believe that health care providers should be required to offer free birth control

Personally I have a triangulation position on birth control

Legality wise, I support birth control being legal

I support the rights of women to breastfeed publically

I support stem cell research but also support finding better alternatives so that does not need to be done anymore.

I am against population control. The government has no right to have any say in a womans sex life. How many kids a woman has or whether she has kids is her decision to make not the Governments decision. Population control is an assault on reproductive rights and it doesn't stop Climate Change. Moreover, overpopulation (the other rationale for it) is a myth.  China should be condemned for their brutal 1-2-3 child policies. Population control is a human rights violation (right to procreate). Human life is sacred. Stopping people from being born is literally the worst way to fight Climate Change and is counterproductive too.


I support feminism. But there are a few feminist things that I am against  (like that Lego complaint years ago by feminists, or the view by feminists that all men are rapists, or feminists saying that that video game designer from Puerto Rico was misogynist or should be fired for his gamer gate comments or feminists downplaying the evil extremism of Valerie Solanas, or the criticism of Jurassic World by some feminists, feminists complaining about urinals fringe things like that I disagree with feminists on)

I like some forms of Maternalistic Feminism : Creating a lot of new jobs and roles that women are uniquely qualified while being moderate in reigning in Marxist Feminism at some point in the somewhat very distant future 

I have a half hearted triangulation position on Postgenderism due to the , rightfully or wrongfully, irrerversible nature of postmodernism and extreme progressiveness 

If anyone is to blame for oppressing genders and sexes it is nature. Postgenderism wants to abolish or seriously alter the gender binary, as such a arbitrary binary causes bigots to be repress people. 

Postgenderism would abolish gender roles, but also to blur the line to the extreme between biological sexes by using biotechnology and neurotechnology. This would liberate sexists, cissexists, transsexists, transphobes etc from their bigotry since differences between genders sex wouldn’t exist. I have a half hearted triangulation position on all of that

Margaret Thatcher said it best “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.

Women should get paid $10 for every dollar men get paid

I wouldn’t mind seeing pretty encouraged to semi mandatory Sixth Wave Feminism and Seventh Wave Feminism courses being at taught at colleges to offset those bigoted White Karen courses being taught at colleges and to help get our country ready one day to embrace Marxist like Feminism  (pretty encouraged to semi mandatory for students majoring or minoring in specific subjects)

I support women's suffrage 

I have a triangulation position on the 1970s 1980s Equal Rights Amendment. 

It is not feminism for stay at home women/moms to leech off their husbands or boyfriends while just getting paid

I am against Prostitution being legalized or decriminalized. Prostitution cheapens love and it is LUST. It also creates a negative environment for children who have a mother who does that.  The buyer should only be arrested for prostitution not the sex worker.   1991 Oregon study of prostitution show alarming statistics for why sex work is a serious issue.

That Slate columnist did nothing wrong by sharing tips about Wikipedia controversies with another reporter or by mentioning the relationship status of Anita S.

I do not agree with things in the Wikipedia article about Gender Bias on Wikipedia. In my opinion, no one is stopping women from becoming Wikipedia editors and writing articles about women or other subjects. It is just as easy for women to jump in and become regular Wikipedia editors as it is for men to do so. For over a year I was a Women in Red and Gender Gap Task Force member and editor on Wikipedia so I should know. I created and expanded dozens of articles on female subjects and brought some up to better status than they were before. I helped improve Wikipedia's coverage of female BLPs and BDPs. I also helped all editors, including female editors become better editors.

I am an anti sexual abuse activist . I am also a Law and Order SVU fan. If I wasn’t a Christian, I would say that we should use Pinochetism type punishments on sexual abusers. But since I am a Christian, I will only say I ask that sexual abusers pay for there crimes to the fullest extent of our law

There is nothing wrong with a parent kissing their sleeping child on the head or a person kissing their significant other on the head when they are sleeping

There is nothing wrong with guys checking out chicks (or vice versa). As long as it does not become stalking

Men's issues

I believe that while individual women/women as a whole might have prejudicial biases towards specific men or toward men as a whole, it is likely done without the backing of a societal system of institutional power.

Chris Pratt's Instagram post about his wife was not sexist in any way shape or form. Anyone who thinks otherwise has mental issues.

I have no issues with Josh Hawley's speech 'Men and the Future of America'.  I believe the speech isn't anywhere near close to perfect but it's not bad either.

I am half heartingly radically apolitical on whether I believe that male privilege is real. 

I believe there is nothing wrong with men showing chivalry to women and I know that chivalry is not sexist.

I am conditionally fine with Masculinity in at least some cases (if not most cases).  I am somewhat against Toxic Masculinity (but Toxic Masculinity is one of the issues I care about least)

I oscillate between being indifferent to and having virtual zero tolerance for Male Chauvinism. Though the very few things falsely labeled as Male Chavuinism that are in fact Toxic Masculinity I am lean against on even  those particular views aren't Male Chauvinism.   I am ok with Male fraternal Civic Nationalism (even if it delves into Masculinity) as long as it doesn't delve into Misogny, Sexism, Chauvinism or Toxic Masculinity

I find the masculinity and man talk of Tim Taylor (from Home Improvement) and those manly Gillette commercials are too over the top to be taken seriously and should cause us to laugh AT them, not with them.

There is nothing wrong with Sandy from Grease changing herself into a biker chic to please Danny, just like there is nothing wrong with Danny trying to be an athlete to please Sandy. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.  There is generally and conditionally nothing wrong with girls changing something about themselves in order to please a guy ,just like there is generally and conditionally nothing wrong with guys changing something about themselves in order to please a girl.

Relational issues

Couples need to stop rushing into marriage. They need to take time to see if they are a match, so if they do get married they do not get a divorce. We need to find ways to get people to marry people they won't divorce, or won't divorce for many decades at worst.

I believe that we should find ways to make adopting children much easier than it is now and to strongly encourage more people to adopt children

Some of my friends from years back became members of Promise Keepers. I believe that Promise Keepers are not a sexist or chauvinistic organization. They are right about some things, and some things they are not right about.  We can find middle ground on some of the things they are not right about. 

I am fine with the Promise Keepers view that a husband has a responsibility to lead his household in a loving and gentle way, giving his life to his wife (like how Christ gave his life to the Church by dying) so she (the wife) can willingly submit to her husband's leadership. If that is God's desire, how can I argue with that?

Similar to the Apostle Paul, I believe that for singles it is good for them to remain single unless they cannot self control in which case they should get into a romantic relationship (its better to get into a romantic relationship than to burn with lust) I believe this because single people have more time and freedom to help make our world more progressive, and due to me believing that romantic relationships are more a forced social construct, even more so than marriages and I hate forced social constructs.   

In light of that, I would be open to the government creating a romantic relationship tax which heavily taxes Americans (of all sexual orientations) who are in a romantic relationship. However, once they get married or they became single again, that tax would be eliminated unless they get into another romantic relationship again.  Unlike Paul, I believe that marriages give people a lot more freedom today to make the world a better place than it was during Paul's time, almost as much freedom as singles in Paul's day had for themselves.   If this tax had the negative side effect of causing less births (which I don't want since I am against Population control), then I would be against this tax unless I found some way to have this tax be legal while at the same time not causing less births.


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