

I am a Democrat (Blue Dog Democrats/Centrist New Democrats), Social Democrat (Third Way) and a State Liberal

I support the Labour Party UK (New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy) and the UK government in general since the leadership of Tony Blair.


non elections

I personally want limited government and a minimal state (i.e a gradual withdrawal of state support through Profitable Civil Disobedience) to lead to a transition to an eventual abolishment of the state (including the abolishment of unnecessary coercion , hierarchies , the patriarchy, the heterosexist patriarchy, and classes). This would form a society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without the recourse of force or compulsion. My economic and blog views reflect this in some ways

I feel liberty and equality can’t be implemented within the state, since it interrogates all forms of domination and hierarchy. So hence my view above

Humans lived in societies that did not have formal hierarchies long before the establishment of formal states, realms, or empires. So we should get back to that way of life

I conditionally support the state and similar institutions nudging people to make decisions that serve their own long-term interests

I support a social contract of consent between us citizens and the State which includes the non-aggression principle which i support

I between symbolically and morally (moral as in moral support at Wikipedia RFA moral) support the ‘US Color Revolution’  :-J

I view people who needlessly pander and virtue signal in extremely tokenist efforts to wokeism (while being counterproductive) as Empathetic 1980s Anti Heroes. Here are some of my fave virtue signals: https://www.reddit.com/r/virtuesignalling/

I was a fan of Everyday Feminism and Medusa Magazine until they went out of business because they spoofed the Regressive Left.  I felt the best way to expose how counterproductive, dangerous and ridiculous the Regressive Left was, was to spoof them and those 2 magazines provided that for me. I am glad that Everyday Feminism and Medusa Magazine existed. I've enjoyed spoof magazines since I was a kid and I read GamePro's yearly April Fool's Day section called 'LamePro' each April and get a kick out of the cool, weird and fake video games I unfortunately would never be able to play (thank you GamePro!)

I would symbolically blindly support (accelerationism) the US being ruled by an autocratic state liberal/progressive , queer non-binary BIPOC person as that would be so over the top intersectionality wise it would force our country to stop being intersectional, sort of like letting a kid who whines about not having enough candy to literally lice in a candy factory for a week, they’d eat so much candy and get sick of it when they returned home after that trip, they’d never whine about not having enough candy again since they’d be sick of it

I believe that solution is to keep Twitter as it is, but make it clear that since it is a private liberal site, it does not tolerate views that hurt the Democratic party (or hurt the Democrat party in a way that can have people turn on Democrats like they turned on Democrats because of Facebook in 2016 when they voted for Donald Trump). 

Basically have the same rules on Twitter about freedom of political speech that Democratic Underground has in terms of towing the party-partisan line (ie users must be pro Democrat, but as noted above possibly a little more flexible). It's obvious that liberals are more against Dissent than 'Disinformation' or 'misinformation', anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves

Users kicked of Twitter, don't need Twitter. They can go to (and many already have) alt tech like TRUTH Social, GAB, GETTR, etc where they can make those sites into Conservative Twitters and to do what they want just as liberals got Twitter to do what they wanted in the 2000s 2010s early 2020s etc.

A case can be made that having too much freedom is a bad thing at worst or a thing to give one pause at best.  There must be a limit to freedom somewhere.

Qanon is a myth and ficticious nonsense. We should use Pinochetism but with micro aggression non violence against people who believe those lies


I echo the concerns of the OP in this Reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/jvu8to/i_used_to_be_a_liberal_4_years_ago_but_im/ and with the view that left are hypocritical at times with free speech.  I also don't like the far left's heretic hunting.  

We should not be giving tax cuts to corporations

We should use Post Pinochet type activism to combat the fascist Corpocracy in our country etc

There are a few Wikipedia articles on liberal related topics that I would conditionally support having a criticism section in (along with a response to criticism section in those articles), but only if those criticisms are from a neutral source that I would deem neutral and not biased. Of course I highly doubt any such source would exist. 

party position/roles

I support a system where causes that with my political ideology have the full support of the state and the state acts in the interests of people who share my political ideology

Permanent revolutions are good because they change things in a manner where revoltions don’t take people by surprise since they are ongoing. 

 'If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You. Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative. When Old, You Have No Brain'

I believe that the government/state should stay out of being enforcing moral changes in most to nearly all situations.  Moral evolution can happen many times apart of the government/state and relations between people can emerge with freedom from the government/state. Most relationships in life should not be characterized as conflict as the left and right might have it. It's good to have mutual and humane respect for others as individuals.   It's also good to do positive and unselfish things without having to grapple with the political ramifications of doing those positive things.  Of course we don't want to be so humane and clingy that is becomes creepy. 

Mark Twain said it best "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"

Groupthink is one of the worst aspects of human psyche and we must fight against it

The Republicans in the 1980s were a good political party. Back then Republicans were seen as go getter yuppies and business people. On Family Ties for example, Alex, who was a typical 1980s Republican was a small-government, pro-capitalist libertarian at heart. Alex was hip and cool. The 1980s Republicans were a great party unlike the Republicans of today. This article puts it better than I can http://web.archive.org/web/20191011195307/https://www.cracked.com/article_26594_the-classic-sitcom-that-looks-completely-insane-in-2019.html     I like the 1980s Republican party so much,  I am a retroactive fan of 1980s Republicans

The Republicans in the early to mid 1990s were still a good party. Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air was a great Republican. He rightfully belived in Affirmative action and fair housing for his community and he was moderately conservative on other issues while rightfully having faith in institutions like the courts.

I am proud that the party switch happened in the 1960s. The Democrat party in the mid to late 1960s went from being a bigoted, Paleoconservative and non inclusive politicial party to being a non bigoted, Liberal/Progressive and inclusive political party hence I am proud to be a post party switch Democrat Liberal

Donald Trump would have been a decent President if he was elected in 2000 since he was more Liberal then. I believe that Joe Biden is a great President to terraform Trumpism in compassionate and progressive ways into policies that can make our country better.

Our laws should all be grounded in the Constitution 

I don't believe that the January 6th Capital thing was worse than 9/11.  If people start saying and believing nonsense like 'January 6th 2021 was worse than 9/11', then there is a slippery slope so it's best not to make dumb comparisons like that.   9/11 was way way way worse for our country than what happened on January 6 2021. On 9/11, thousands of people died,  lower Manhattan was in ruins for months. People were missing their families, and many people died years later of diseases related to the attacks. To say that January 6 2021, was anywhere near as bad as 9/11 is foolish, ignorant, and makes us liberals look bad to people we are trying to convert to D.  

January 6th also wasn't a terrorist attack and the protests outside of the Capitol weren't an inserection (the protests outside of the Capitol were legit political discourse, they were protesting what they believed was a stolen election). For the protestors who did go into the Capitol, it was a bunch of pissed off people who got caught up in the heat of the moment (I don't know what to call those particular protestors who went into the Capitol but they were bada#*). It's best to move on from January 6 2021, and labeling those people who went into the Capitol and the protest itself does nothing to unify our country and gives them a victim complex and attention and legitimacy they blindly seek. We are one nation under God.  

We don't know for sure if they were trying to overturn the election through force (like what if a counter protestor or a Liberal plant pretended he or she were let in to get the Trump supporters to go in? just playing devil’s advocate here that’s all) 

However, when that many angry people get together there is always chances for things to get out of hand no matter what their intents. Keep in mind, they were as fired up about alleged election steal as Hillary Clinton supporters were fired up in late 2016 early 2017 about the alleged election steal. They (January 6 2021 protestors) ignored history (the 2020 racial unrest protests which made BLM and ANTIFA look negative) so they got no one to blame but themselves for the reaction they got from the other side. In spite of that, the Democrats (like the ones in January 2017 who protested Trump's inauguration) are still better at organizing protests and keeping control at protests than Republicans are.

The January 6 2021 protestors are seen by most liberals as aggressive, backwooded, bigoted , small minded savages through their actions. I don't see them that way, but I acknowledge a lot of people do. I can see where others might view the January 6 2021'ers like that (through mental gymnastics but I am good at mental gymnastics). But if the situation was reverse, would liberals still view the January 6 2021'ers that way?


I am willing to become an undercover center member of the right of the non far right right wing and the far right/alt right so I can expose them and bring down them down on behalf of Democrats. But that means I have to pretend to be a hard right nut.

I don't think us liberals should hate mid right or far right people. At least some of those mid right and far right people don't know any better because they are ignorant and misguided.

Americans should believe in the political ideas I subscribe to whether they want to or not  

I am ok with political hegemony of citizens who don’t have a lot of influence or political voice but in a non woke way 

bad apples

There's no need to vote on whether or not we should counter all counter-revolutionaries.

I get triggered by some Authoritarian Right ideologies, but I am somewhat tolerant of most other ideologies. 

I am against amending the Insurrection Act of 1807

I do NOT support ANTIFA 

Maxine Bernstein was wrong to doxx the father who said Let's Go Brandon to Joe Biden. After years of the media trashing Donald Trump, now all of a sudden they get trigged by a father telling Joe Biden  'Let's go Brandon'. Liberal hypocricy at its finest. There is nothing wrong with that father saying Let's go Brandon to Joe Biden.

I am against the Democrats censuring Krysten Sinema. Shame on those fascists for censuring them

I am against the media using the word mis/dis information to describe select non pandemic related conservative or far leftish political viewpoints and narratives. Labeling those non pandemic related conservative political viewpoints and narratives as 'mis/dis information' is misleading at best and NEWSPEAK (as George Orwell talked about in 1984) at worst. It is used to demonize people and shut down debate and that is detestable


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