

 Polemic  I am a Democrat (Blue Dog Democrats/Centrist New Democrats), Social Democrat (Third Way) and a State Liberal I support the Labour Party UK (New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy) and the UK government in general since the leadership of Tony Blair. non elections I personally want limited government and a minimal state (i.e a gradual withdrawal of state support through Profitable Civil Disobedience) to lead to a transition to an eventual abolishment of the state (including the abolishment of unnecessary coercion , hierarchies , the patriarchy, the heterosexist patriarchy, and classes). This would form a society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without the recourse of force or compulsion. My economic and blog views reflect this in some ways I feel liberty and equality can’t be implemented within the state, since it interrogates all forms of domination and hierarchy. So hence my view above Humans lived in societi




 Memes  I am Radically Mixed (similar to Radically Centrist) on whether gays should follow the advice in this meme. 


Q) What does 'forth political position' or 'fifth political position' or '6th political position mean? A)  A forth, fifth or 6th political position is a political stance/position on issues that is neither support, against, neutral, liberal-progressive, conservative, centrist, indifferent, apolitical or 3rd political position but a hypothetical, political stance/political position that is as opposite of support and against as support and against are opposite of each other and is as opposite of liberal-progressive and conservative as liberal-progressive and conservative are opposite of each other.  Forth political position, fifth political position and 6th political position on political issues have never been seen before in our universe but those political stances/positions exists on political issues in other universes with different laws of nature than in our universe (just like there are primary colors that have never been seen in our universe but exist in other un

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 Here are links for my blog for specific things: General All of my political views (uncategorized) FAQ Specific Animal Rights Climate change and other modern science issues Drugs and Alchohol/Criminal Justice Reform Ethnic/Racial views Fiscal views Guns Identity politics Immigration (legal and illegal) LGBTQ+ issues Military, Wars and International Issues Misc issues Taboo relationship issues Voting and elections Women's and Men's Issues Youth issues Misc Commentator rankings Hobby Things Lifestyle activism My past political endorsements My story Politicial rankings

Misc issues

Misc I am a Christian (Quaker/Anglican/Greek Catholic) I am against the National Garden of American Heroes. It was a reactionary move by Donald Trump that also was wrong because the federal government (including our Presidents) should not tell us who our historical heroes should be and should not force these names upon us. Who decides who is great? What right does our government have to do such things? What right does our government have to dictate to us who was 'worthy' enough to get a statue?  This is the US, not the USSR under Josef Stalin (though Trump loves Russia so he obviously loves the old USSR too). Those 'heroes', don't need to have statues or be honored in a Presidential garden, their heroism lives on in every American. The LA Times was wrong to tell people to stop consuming so much to stop the supply chain problems  Limiting consumption is the worst way to fix those problems. This Washington Post opinion piece is wrong and they should apologize for it I