
Showing posts from March, 2022

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 Here are links for my blog for specific things: General All of my political views (uncategorized) FAQ Specific Animal Rights Climate change and other modern science issues Drugs and Alchohol/Criminal Justice Reform Ethnic/Racial views Fiscal views Guns Identity politics Immigration (legal and illegal) LGBTQ+ issues Military, Wars and International Issues Misc issues Taboo relationship issues Voting and elections Women's and Men's Issues Youth issues Misc Commentator rankings Hobby Things Lifestyle activism My past political endorsements My story Politicial rankings

Misc issues

Misc I am a Christian (Quaker/Anglican/Greek Catholic) I am against the National Garden of American Heroes. It was a reactionary move by Donald Trump that also was wrong because the federal government (including our Presidents) should not tell us who our historical heroes should be and should not force these names upon us. Who decides who is great? What right does our government have to do such things? What right does our government have to dictate to us who was 'worthy' enough to get a statue?  This is the US, not the USSR under Josef Stalin (though Trump loves Russia so he obviously loves the old USSR too). Those 'heroes', don't need to have statues or be honored in a Presidential garden, their heroism lives on in every American. The LA Times was wrong to tell people to stop consuming so much to stop the supply chain problems  Limiting consumption is the worst way to fix those problems. This Washington Post opinion piece is wrong and they should apologize for it I

Animal rights

Animal Rights I am against Zoophilia and it should stay illegal forever. Science has proven that Zoophilia causes disease and death. I believe animals should be in circuses but only a few circuses in their lives then retire them to wildlife conservations. I fully support the existence of Wildlife Conservations There is nothing wrong with riding on Elephants or Camels as long as the person is light and the Elephant or Camel is in top shape and not on them for very long. I fully support the Calgary Stampede using live animals.  I reject Critical Animal Studies and I believe that Critical Animal studies are nonsense and garbage I pity Animal liberation activists. The reason why i don't outright hate them is because if they got their way it would backfire so badly and I love seeing liberal things backfire. I am open to making animals LGBTQ to give them sone diversity I'm against people hunting animals and only an act of god can change that view I am not against fishing, but I am no


Gun Rights I support the right to bear arms as a civil liberty I am pro gun (CB++ grade from the current NRA, CB is between a C and a B). I am against gun confiscation The US has such a long, deep gun loving culture that is unique to the world, I believe that banning the bad types of guns (or any guns for that manner) would be impractical because the bad people will still get guns illegally. Having those bad types of guns be legal, helps to regulate them (because if those bad types of guns were illegal, they would be worse than they are now since they would be unregulated).  I support teachers having guns to protect their classrooms.  I have a triangulation position on stand your ground laws I am neutral on bump stock bans but I am sure there was a good reason for creating bump stocks in the first place. But if bump stock bans allow ban able guns like semi assault rifles to stay legal I guess they are alright 94 percent of mass shootings were thwarted by a legal gun owner. People with

Youth and disabled issues

Children/disabled school/work The government should not fund universal pre school. I support charter schools and homeschooling I support school choice (ie vouchers) since 1997 which is when I moved to a new town as a teen, I wanted to go to my hometown high school but I wasn't allowed to do so. School choice has a lot of liberal benefits I believe that school truancy should be decriminalized Homework is a good concept and I support homework always being part of going to school. I believe that disrespectful students should be suspended. Suspending disrespectful students is the best thing for them and is a time honored method to correctify their behavior.  I believe that the Tuttle Twin books should be taught in schools and in school libraries throughout the US and Canada I believe we might need to 'reimagine' Academia I only support this type of home based enterprise child labor that is in the link below (as long as its voluntary) and only if the children are over 6 and get

Climate Change and other modern Science issues

Science Science and Pyschology are not infallibe and they are wrong some of the time (they are HUMANS not Gods). Scientists and shrinks are right most of the time, but on Reincarnation, whether or not to suspend disrespectful students, CRT, afterlife, whether to lightly spank your child, and similar things they are wrong climate change/eco I am against the government and social media companies censoring and blocking people who criticize green energy transition.  Such actions by the government and social media companies is FASCIST authoritarian censorship  and is against the values that our country was founded on. That is shutting down free speech  by stifling legit criticism of the government and I will not allow the government to do that. I swear to god The Green New Deal is a bold set of ideas meant combat climate change. But because the Green New Deal includes so much unrelated ideas which don’t identify specific solutions to climate change related issues, I overall do not support t

Voting and Elections

voting/elections I believe that limiting voting for people is pretty bad .I believe that both sides increasing voter turn out is the best way to make voting for more fair. I also believe that it would be cool if it became legal to have people vote as many times as they want for a candidate like how Wikipedians vote for Arbcom candidates as many times as they want in Arbcom elections each year. I support Krysten Sinema opposing the Democrats plan to weaken/bypass the filibuster.  Here  is one way she can still help increase ‘voting rights’ if she feels a need to do so to please her Democrat overlords I am against the abuse Krysten Sinema has gotten from other Democrats due to her vote.  I plead the fifth on my view of instant runoff voting I am radically apolitical on first past the post voting While I support the electoral college I am open to a system for our country where we have a direct democracy which allows people to directly vote on things as opposed to representive democracy th

Taboo relationship issues

Taboo I am against Polygamy, Polyarmy and open marriages being legal. Monogamy is better than those systems. Children suffer when they have parents who are Polygamous or in open marriages. Polygamy et al cheapens love. If people in marriages want more they should get a divorce first. Pedophilia is evil ,disgusting and wrong.  Pedophiles are not born Pedophiles, they become Pedophiles . The USA Today and other far left outlets are wrong for trying to normalize Pedophilia (though at least the USA Today and Far left proved they have a heart so that is a silver lining).   Pedophiles should get the book thrown at them. Pedophilia is a very serious and terrible act and Pedophiles should not be coddled by the left . The left should not allow pedophiles under their tent as in doing so wrongly, unknowingly and homophobicly lumps Pedophiles in with Gays which degrades gays (due to them being associated with Pedophiles by being in a big tent with them).  Pedophiles are child predators that need t

Fiscal views

I am a Social Democrat (Third Way) ,  Libertarian Anarchist  , and  Peronist (De Francism variant) I support the Labour Party UK (New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy) and the UK government in general since the leadership of Tony Blair. Besides me supporting Third Way Social Democracy, I also support '1990s Swedish Social Democratic Party ' like Social Democracy and modern Nordic Social Democracy, the latter of which runs tight budgets and are generally very concerned with keeping debt low and running budget surpluses. I supported the Tea Party years back and would do so today if they came back. I support our current economically lame society evolving into a  Libertarian Communist  (fiscally conservative), Triangulation variant of a Neoliberal 2.0/State Liberal and Third Way (Anthony Giddens true Third Way) version of J Bidenism ( Psuedo  ‘ Systematic   Socia l ism / Socia l ism  with  Chinese   characteristics ’) that uses  Social commons  as a safety net .  Then I

Immigration (legal and illegal)

Immigration (legal/illegal/etc) I welcome political refugees from various countries like José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia did as head of Paraguay I moral (moral as in moral victory) support  the Neoliberal subreddit’s version open borders If we can't have the  the Neoliberal subreddit’s version open borders  (which as of now seems like a mirage) ,I would then prefer a migration-refugee system that is between 'just short of a path to citizenship' (like the one in Build Back Better) a Self Deportation policy and a Guest Worker policy which itself includes a system where legal US citizens can sponsor illegal migrants. This migration refugee system would also fuse with Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party UK's Points Based Immigration System .  I support funding for more border infrastructure, port tech ,more customs and border control agents I also support a triangulation Amnesty for tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands (and possilikely millions, especially if an

Identity Politics/SJW

IP I toxically love diversity. I toxically love seeing LGBTQ+, BIPOC+, women etc get as much visibility as heteros, whites and men. That shakes things up, adds new elements (like a salad bowl), and makes things less boring and predictable. We should break down all sexual and cultural differences ‘forcefully’ to make everyone feel more equal I support equal liberty and I feel that equal liberty rests on political, social and economic equality of opportunity In my opinion, Equality should not not come secondary to liberty. Equality should go beyond the formal equality of rights so as there is no tension between the two and no separation and conflict between individuals as passive recipients within society.  I feel that Liberty (and its realization) is collective as it should be shared instead of being diminished and thus being  'only imaginable in the contest of the liberty of all', It should be accompanied also by social and economic equality.  I support the principle of equal-l